Compiler and Linker Options for Debugging (Windows CE 5.0)
Platform Builder configures many compiler and linker options that affect debugging during the build process using environment variables. You can set some options from the IDE, or you can set any compiler and linker option from the command line.
To set compiler options for debugging from the IDE
- From the Platform menu, choose Settings.
- From the Configuration drop-down list, select the device configuration you want to use.
- On the Build Options tab, select one or more of the following options.
Enable Kernel Debugger
Select before building the run-time image to allow the debugger to connect and pass debugging information from the target device to the host device. The kernel debugger requires a KITL or hardware-assisted transport.
Enable KITL
Select to enable KITL as a transport layer for communication between the development workstation and the target device for debugging.
Enable profiling
Select to enable Windows CE kernel profiling in the run-time image.
To set compiler options for debugging from the command line
You can specify compiler build options
- On the command line
- In response files
- In the CL environment variable.
For more information about specifying compiler options, see Compiler Build Mechanisms.
The following table shows command-line compiler options that can affect debugging.
Option | Description |
/callcap -Enable callcap profiling | Inserts callcap profiling hooks at the beginning and end of each function. |
/EH - Exception Handling Model | Specifies the model of exception handling. Includes alternatives /EHa, /EHc, and /EHs. |
/fastcap - Enable fastcap profiling | Inserts fastcap profiling hooks before and after each function call. |
/GX - Enable Exception Handling | Enables C++ exceptions. |
/GZ - Catch Release Errors in Debug Build | Enables run-time checks to catch bugs that only occur in a Release build while in a Debug build mode. |
/RTC - Run-time Error Checks | Enables run-time error checks.
Applies to x86 microprocessors only. |
/Yd - Duplicate Debugging Info | Duplicates debugging information in all object files. |
/Zd, /Z7, /Zi -Debug Info | Generates debugging information. |
/Zs - Check Syntax Only | Checks syntax only. |
The following table shows linker options that can affect debugging.
Option | Action |
/DEBUG | Creates debugging information. |
/INCLUDE:symbol | Forces symbol references. |
/PDB:filename | Creates a program database (.PDB) file. |
See Also
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