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This structure contains the instance-specific information for a block of performance data.

There is one PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION structure for each instance specified in the PERF_OBJECT_TYPE structure.

typedef struct _PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION{DWORDByteLength;DWORDParentObjectTitleIndex;DWORDParentObjectInstance;DWORDUniqueID;DWORDNameOffset;DWORDNameLength;}PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION; 


  • ByteLength
    Specifies the length, in bytes, of this structure, including the subsequent name.

  • ParentObjectTitleIndex
    Specifies the index of the name of the parent object in the title database.

    For example, if the object is a thread, the parent object type is a process, or if the object is a logical drive, the parent is a physical drive.

  • ParentObjectInstance
    Specifies the index to an instance of the parent object type that is the parent of this instance.

    This member might be 0 or greater.

  • UniqueID
    Specifies the unique identifier used instead of the instance name.

    This value of this member is PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID if there is no such identifier.

  • NameOffset
    Specifies the offset from the beginning of this structure to the Unicode name of this instance.

  • NameLength
    Specifies the length, in bytes, of the instance name.

    This member is 0 if the instance does not have a name.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Windows.h.

See Also

Performance Monitoring Structures

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