ondataavailable Property (Windows CE 5.0)
Specifies the event handler for the ondataavailable event.
Script Syntax
oXMLDOMDocument.ondataavailable = funcMyEventHandler;
Script Parameters
Script Return Value
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT put_ondataavailable(VARIANT ondataavailableSink);
C/C++ Parameters
- ondataavailableSink
[in] Name of the function that should be called when the readyState property value changes to the value INTERACTIVE, indicating that data is available.
C/C++ Return Values
- S_OK
Value returned if successful.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Msxml2.h, Msxml2.idl.
General Remarks
When handling asynchronous data, it is useful to be able to start processing in parallel with the download as soon as data becomes available. The ondataavailable event fires each time a new chunk of data arrives. The readyState property defines several states that specify the current status of the asynchronous download.
You can call QueryInterface method of the DOMDocument to obtain IConnectionPointContainer, which is used in event management. The DISPID for this event is DISPID_XMLDOMEVENT_ONDATAAVAILABLE.
This member is an extension of the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM).
This property is write-only, and applies to the following interface:
See Also
readyState Property | ondataavailable Event
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