ITask Properties (Windows CE 5.0)
The ITask interface reads the properties described in the following table.
Properties in Vtable Order
Property | Description |
Returns or sets the subject for the task. Maximum length is 4095 characters. |
Returns or sets the categories assigned to the task. Maximum length is 1023 characters. |
Returns or sets when the task starts. StartDate must be less than or equal to DateCompleted. Dates must be set between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive. The default is DATE_NONE. |
Returns or sets when the task is due. Dates must be set between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive. The default is DATE_NONE. |
Returns when the task is completed. It gets set to the current date on the device when you set the Complete property. Dates must be set between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive. |
Returns or sets the importance of the meeting. Allowed settings are olImportanceLow, olImportanceNormal (default), or olImportanceHigh. |
Returns or sets whether the appointment is completed — TRUE if complete, FALSE if not complete. The default is FALSE.
TRUE sets the DateCompleted property to the current date on the device. |
Returns whether the task is recurring. This is useful to use in a restriction string, to quickly discern whether a task recurs. |
Returns or sets the sensitivity for a task as normal (olNormal) or private (olPrivate). The default for a new task is olNormal. |
Returns or sets whether the task is a team task. TRUE if a team task. |
Returns or sets whether the user wants to be reminded of a Task. The default for this is the current setting for the Tasks application. |
Returns or sets the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the task. This property is valid only if the ReminderSet property is TRUE and the ReminderOptions property includes olSound. The reminder sound file is the current setting for the Calendar application and must be explicitly set.
Maximum length is 255 characters. |
Returns or sets the type of a reminder. Sum of any of the following constants:
Sum options to simultaneously provide multiple types of reminders. Setting this property clears any previous setting. The default for this is the current setting in the Tasks application. Because Windows CE-based devices support several notification options not supported by desktop computers (such as flashing LED or vibration), this property replaces the Outlook ReminderPlaySound property. |
Returns or sets when a reminder occurs before the start or due date of a task. The date must be set before midnight (or 8 AM) on the due date and no more than 45 days before the start date.
The default for this is the user setting in the Task Options dialog box. |
Returns or sets the text of the notes accompanying an appointment. The maximum size is 60 KB. |
Returns or sets a Binary Large Object (BLOB) describing the Ink Note information. The properties Body and InkBody both access the same property. The Body returns only the string value of the Body while the BodyInk property returns an Ink BLOB that can be set to an Ink Control. |
Returns the Application object. |
Returns the object identifier (OID) for an item. This might be required for replication services. |
Return Values
Each property method supports the standard HRESULT return values, including S_OK.
Pocket Outlook does not support desktop Outlook's ReminderOverrideDefault property. When you create a task, POOM automatically creates it with the default reminder information. When you set individual reminder properties, they automatically override the defaults.
OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Pimstore.h.
Link Library: Pimstore.lib.
See Also
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