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IContact Properties (Windows CE 5.0)

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The IContact interface reads the properties described in the following table.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Description
HRESULT get_Anniversary
(/* [out] */ DATE *pdaAnniversary);
HRESULT put_Anniversary
(/* [in] */ DATE daAnniversary);
Returns or sets the wedding anniversary date for the contact. The date must fall between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive.
HRESULT get_Birthday
(/* [out] */ DATE *pdaBirthday);
HRESULT put_Birthday
(/* [in] */ DATE daBirthday);
Returns or sets the birth date for the contact. The birth date must fall between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive.
HRESULT get_BusinessFaxNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessFaxNumber);
HRESULT put_BusinessFaxNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessFaxNumber);
Returns or sets the business fax number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_CompanyName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrCompanyName);
HRESULT put_CompanyName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrCompanyName);
Returns or sets the company name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Department
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrDepartment);
HRESULT put_Department
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrDepartment);
Returns or sets the department name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Email1Address
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrEmail1Address);
HRESULT put_Email1Address
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrEmail1Address);
Returns or sets the first e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_MobileTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrMobileTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_MobileTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrMobileTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the mobile or cellular telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OfficeLocation
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOfficeLocation);
HRESULT put_OfficeLocation
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOfficeLocation);
Returns or sets the office location for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_PagerNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrPagerNumber);
HRESULT put_PagerNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrPagerNumber);
Returns or sets the pager number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_BusinessTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the business telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_JobTitle
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrJobTitle);
HRESULT put_JobTitle
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrJobTitle);
Returns or sets the job title for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_HomeTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the home telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Email2Address
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrEmail2Address);
HRESULT put_Email2Address
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrEmail2Address);
Returns or sets the second e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Spouse
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrSpouse);
HRESULT put_Spouse
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrSpouse);
Returns or sets the name of contact's spouse. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Email3Address
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrEmail3Address);
HRESULT put_Email3Address
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrEmail3Address);
Returns or sets the third e-mail address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Home2TelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHome2TelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_Home2TelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHome2TelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the second home telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeFaxNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeFaxNumber);
HRESULT put_HomeFaxNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeFaxNumber);
Returns or sets the home fax number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_CarTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrCarTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_CarTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrCarTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the car phone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_AssistantName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrAssistantName);
HRESULT put_AssistantName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrAssistantName);
Returns or sets the name of contact's assistant. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_AssistantTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrAssistantTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_AssistantTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrAssistantTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the phone number for the contact's assistant. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Children
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrChildren);
HRESULT put_Children
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrChildren);
Returns or sets the names of contact's children. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Categories
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategories);
HRESULT put_Categories
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrCategories);
Returns or sets the categories for contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_WebPage
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrWebPage);
HRESULT put_WebPage
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrWebPage);
Returns or sets the web page for contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Business2TelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusiness2TelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_Business2TelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusiness2TelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the second business telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_RadioTelephoneNumber
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrRadioTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT put_RadioTelephoneNumber
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrRadioTelephoneNumber);
Returns or sets the radio telephone number for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_FileAs
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrFileAs);
HRESULT put_FileAs
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrFileAs);
Returns or sets the filing string for a contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_YomiCompanyName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrYomiCompanyName);
HRESULT put_YomiCompanyName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrYomiCompanyName);
Returns or sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the company name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.

For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and returns an E_NOTIMPL error.

HRESULT get_YomiFirstName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrYomiFirstName);
HRESULT put_YomiFirstName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrYomiFirstName);
Returns or sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the first name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.

For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and returns an E_NOTIMPL error.

HRESULT get_YomiLastName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrYomiLastName);
HRESULT put_YomiLastName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrYomiLastName);
Returns or sets the Japanese phonetic rendering (Yomigana) of the last name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.

For Japanese products only. Attempting to get or put this property on other products fails and returns an E_NOTIMPL error.

HRESULT get_Title
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrTitle);
HRESULT put_Title
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrTitle);
Returns or sets the job title for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_FirstName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrFirstName);
HRESULT put_FirstName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrFirstName);
Returns or sets the first name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_MiddleName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrMiddleName);
HRESULT put_MiddleName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrMiddleName);
Returns or sets the middle name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_LastName
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrLastName);
HRESULT put_LastName
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrLastName);
Returns or sets the last name for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Suffix
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrSuffix);
HRESULT put_Suffix
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrSuffix);
Returns or sets the suffix for the contact name. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeAddressStreet
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeAddressStreet);
HRESULT put_HomeAddressStreet
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeAddressStreet);
Returns or sets the home street address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeAddressCity
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeAddressCity);
HRESULT put_HomeAddressCity
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeAddressCity);
Returns or sets the home city for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeAddressState
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeAddressState);
HRESULT put_HomeAddressState
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeAddressState);
Returns or sets the home state, department, or province for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeAddressPostalCode
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeAddressPostalCode);
HRESULT put_HomeAddressPostalCode
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeAddressPostalCode);
Returns or sets the home ZIP or postal code for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_HomeAddressCountry
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrHomeAddressCountry);
HRESULT put_HomeAddressCountry
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrHomeAddressCountry);
Returns or sets the home country/region for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OtherAddressStreet
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOtherAddressStreet);
HRESULT put_OtherAddressStreet
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOtherAddressStreet);
Returns or sets the other street address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OtherAddressCity
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOtherAddressCity);
HRESULT put_OtherAddressCity
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOtherAddressCity);
Returns or sets the other city for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OtherAddressState
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOtherAddressState);
HRESULT put_OtherAddressState
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOtherAddressState);
Returns or sets the other state, department, or province for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OtherAddressPostalCode
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOtherAddressPostalCode);
HRESULT put_OtherAddressPostalCode
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOtherAddressPostalCode);
Returns or sets the other ZIP or postal code for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_OtherAddressCountry
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrOtherAddressCountry);
HRESULT put_OtherAddressCountry
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrOtherAddressCountry);
Returns or sets the other country/region for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessAddressStreet
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessAddressStreet);
HRESULT put_BusinessAddressStreet
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessAddressStreet);
Returns or sets the business street address for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessAddressCity
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessAddressCity);
HRESULT put_BusinessAddressCity
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessAddressCity);
Returns or sets the business city for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessAddressState
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessAddressState);
HRESULT put_BusinessAddressState
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessAddressState);
Returns the business state for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessAddressPostalCode
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessAddressPostalCode);
HRESULT put_BusinessAddressPostalCode
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessAddressPostalCode);
Returns or sets the business ZIP or postal code for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_BusinessAddressCountry
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBusinessAddressCountry);
HRESULT put_BusinessAddressCountry
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBusinessAddressCountry);
Returns or sets the business country/region for the contact. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Body
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBody);
HRESULT put_Body
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBody);
Returns or sets the notes for a contact. Maximum size is 60 KB.
HRESULT get_BodyInk
(/* [out] */ CEBLOB **ppBodyInk);
HRESULT put_BodyInk
(/* [in] */ CEBLOB *pBodyInk);
Returns or sets a Binary Large Object (BLOB) describing the Ink Note information. The properties Body and InkBody both access the same property. The Body returns only the string value of the Body while the BodyInk property returns an Ink BLOB that can be set to an Ink Control.
HRESULT get_Application
(/* [out] */ IPOutlookApp **ppIPOutlookApp);
Returns the main application object.
(/* [out] */ long *plOid);
Returns the object identifier (OID) for an item. This might be required for replication services.

Return Values

Each property method supports the standard HRESULT return values, including S_OK.


Contact property strings cannot be longer than 1023 characters, with the exception of the Body property, which can contain 60 KB of text.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Pimstore.h.
Link Library: Pimstore.lib.

See Also


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