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Touch Event from Gesture Core to the Recognizers (Compact 2013)


When gesture core function GestureRecognizer::RecognizeTouch receives a touch event (see Touch Event from Driver to Gesture Core), it passes the event to function RecognizeGesture of every recognizer. Each recognizer is in its own DLL, so each can have its own RecognizeGesture function.

The touch contact data is passed as an array of GWETOUCHINPUT structures, one structure for each contact point. The GWETOUCHINPUT structure is defined in %_WINCEROOT%\private\winceos\coreos\gwe\inc\gwetouch.h.


There is no limit to the number of points that GestureRecognizer::RecognizeGesture in the built-in recognizer accepts from gesture core. However, it only uses two.

The RecognizeGesture function of the built-in recognizer calls the GestureRecognizer::RecognizeGesture method of the recognizer. The recognizer's GestureRecognizer class differs from the gesture core's GestureRecognizer class.

See Also


Touch Event Flow