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Update the Platform Registry File (Compact 2013)


Each BSP has a registry file (platform.reg) that defines the hardware registry settings for the target device. In some cases, the hardware registry settings are defined directly within platform.reg itself. In the case of the stream driver, a separate registry file (streamdriver.reg) is provided for you. For your sample stream driver to be configured correctly with your BSP, you must update the platform registry file to include the stream driver registry information.

To include the stream driver registry settings in your platform registry

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to folder %_WINCEROOT%\platform\<Your BSP>\files.

  2. Open the file platform.reg by using a text editor such as Notepad.

  3. Add the following line to the top of the platform.reg file:

    #include "$(_winceroot)\platform\<Your BSP>\src\drivers\streamdriver\streamdriver.reg"

  4. Save platform.reg.

See Also


Add and Build a Device Driver