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System.Reflection Namespace

Provides a managed view of loaded types, methods, and fields. Enables you to create and invoke types dynamically.


Name Description
Public Class Assembly Defines an Assembly object, which is a reusable, self-describing building block of a common language runtime (CLR) application. Note that you can create different versions of a single Assembly object.
Public Class AssemblyCompanyAttribute Defines a company name custom attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyConfigurationAttribute Defines an assembly configuration custom attribute (such as retail or debug) for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyCopyrightAttribute Defines a copyright custom attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyCultureAttribute Specifies the culture that a particular assembly supports.
Public Class AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute Defines a "friendly" default alias for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyDelaySignAttribute Specifies that an assembly is not fully signed when it is created.
Public Class AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Defines an assembly description custom attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyFileVersionAttribute Instructs a compiler to use a specific version number for the file version resource.
Public Class AssemblyFlagsAttribute Specifies whether the assembly being attributed supports side-by-side execution on the same computer, in the same process, or in the same application domain.
Public Class AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute Defines additional version information for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyKeyFileAttribute Specifies the name of a file containing the key pair that is used to generate a strong name for the assembly being attributed.
Public Class AssemblyKeyNameAttribute Specifies the name of a key container within the Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) that contains the key pair that is used to generate a strong name for the assembly being attributed.
Public Class AssemblyName Describes an assembly's unique identity in full.
Public Class AssemblyProductAttribute Defines a product name custom attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyTitleAttribute Defines an assembly title attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyTrademarkAttribute Defines a trademark attribute for an assembly manifest.
Public Class AssemblyVersionAttribute Specifies the version number of the assembly being attributed.
Public Class Binder Selects a member from a list of candidates, and performs a type conversion from actual argument type to formal argument type.
Public Class ConstructorInfo Discovers the attributes of a class constructor and provides access to constructor metadata.
Public Class DefaultMemberAttribute Defines the member of a type that is the default member used by the System.Type.InvokeMember method.
Public Class FieldInfo Discovers the attributes of a specific field and provides access to field metadata.
Public Class MemberInfo Discovers the attributes of a particular member and provides access to member metadata.
Public Class MethodBase Provides information about methods and constructors.
Public Class MethodInfo Discovers the attributes of a particular method and provides access to method metadata.
Public Class PropertyInfo Discovers the attributes of a particular property and provides access to property metadata.


Name Description
Public Interface IReflect Enables objects to return MemberInfo objects that represent other objects.


Name Description
Public Enumeration AssemblyNameFlags Provides information about an Assembly reference.
Public Enumeration BindingFlags Contains flags that control binding and the way in which the search for members and types is conducted by reflection.
Public Enumeration MemberTypes Marks each member type that is defined as a class derived from the MemberInfo class.
Public Enumeration MethodImplAttributes Contains flags for the attributes of a method implementation.
Public Enumeration ProcessorArchitecture Specifies the type of microprocessor used by the hardware device.