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This structure records statistical counters for the IEEE media access control (MAC) sublayer of the 802.11 station.


typedef struct DOT11_MAC_FRAME_STATISTICS {
  ULONGLONG  ullTransmittedFrameCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullReceivedFrameCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullTransmittedFailureFrameCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullReceivedFailureFrameCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullWEPExcludedCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullTKIPLocalMICFailures;
  ULONGLONG  ullTKIPReplays;
  ULONGLONG  ullCCMPReplays;
  ULONGLONG  ullCCMPDecryptErrors;
  ULONGLONG  ullWEPUndecryptableCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullDecryptSuccessCount;
  ULONGLONG  ullDecryptFailureCount;


  • ullTransmittedFrameCount
    The number of MAC service data unit (MSDU) packets and MAC management protocol data unit (MMPDU) frames that the IEEE MAC sublayer of the 802.11 station successfully transmitted.
  • ullReceivedFrameCount
    The number of MSDU packets and MMPDU frames that the IEEE MAC sublayer of the 802.11 station successfully received. This member should not be incremented for received packets that failed cipher decryption or MIC validation.
  • ullTransmittedFailureFrameCount
    The number of MSDU packets and MMPDU frames that the IEEE MAC sublayer of the 802.11 station did not transmit successfully.
  • ullReceivedFailureFrameCount
    The number of MSDU packets and MMPDU frames that the IEEE MAC sublayer of the 802.11 station did not receive successfully.
  • ullWEPExcludedCount
    The number of unencrypted received MAC protocol data unit (MPDU) frames that the MAC sublayer discarded when the IEEE 802.11 dot11ExcludeUnencrypted management information base (MIB) object is enabled. For more information about this MIB object, see OID_DOT11_EXCLUDE_UNENCRYPTED.

    MPDU frames are considered unencrypted when the Protected Frame subfield of the Frame Control field in the IEEE 802.11 MAC header is set to zero.

  • ullTKIPLocalMICFailures
    The number of received MSDU packets that the 802.11 station discarded because of MIC failures.
  • ullTKIPReplays
    The number of received MPDU frames that the 802.11 station discarded because of the TKIP replay protection procedure.
  • ullTKIPICVErrorCount
    The number of encrypted MPDU frames that the 802.11 station did not decrypt because of a TKIP ICV error.
  • ullCCMPReplays
    The number of received MPDU frames that the 802.11 station discarded because of the AES-CCMP replay protection procedure.
  • ullCCMPDecryptErrors
    The number of received MPDU frames that the 802.11 station discarded because of errors detected by the AES‑CCMP decryption algorithm.
  • ullWEPUndecryptableCount
    The number of encrypted MPDU frames received for which a WEP decryption key was not available on the 802.11 station.
  • ullWEPICVErrorCount
    The number of encrypted MPDU frames that the 802.11 station did not decrypt because of a WEP ICV error.
  • ullDecryptSuccessCount
    The number of received encrypted packets that the 802.11 station successfully decrypted.

    For the WEP and TKIP cipher algorithms, the miniport driver must increment this counter for each received encrypted MPDU that was successfully decrypted. For the AES-CCMP cipher algorithm, the miniport driver must increment this counter on each received encrypted MSDU packet that was successfully decrypted.

  • ullDecryptFailureCount
    The number of encrypted packets that the 802.11 station did not decrypt.

    For the WEP and TKIP cipher algorithms, the miniport driver must increment this counter for each received encrypted MPDU that was not successfully decrypted. For the AES-CCMP cipher algorithm, the miniport driver must increment this counter on each received encrypted MSDU packet that was not successfully decrypted.

    The miniport driver must not increment this counter for packets that are decrypted successfully, but are discarded for other reasons. For example, the miniport driver must not increment this counter for packets discarded because of TKIP MIC failures or TKIP/CCMP replays.


The members of the DOT11_MAC_STATISTICS structure are used to record MAC-level statistics for:

  • 802.11 MSDU packets
  • 802.11 MMPDU frames
  • 802.11 MPDU frames. MPDU frame counters must include all MPDU fragments that are sent for an MSDU packet or MMPDU frame




See Also


Native 802.11 Data Types
Native 802.11 Wireless LAN Reference