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Design Considerations for Using EWF with Hibernation (Standard 7 SP1)


When you design a run-time image that uses EWF with hibernation, you should consider device start time and performance.

Design Considerations for using Hibernate Once/Resume Many

  • Using Hibernate Once/Resume Many (HORM) can significantly improve start time. To make additional improvements to the performance of your device, consider the following list of options:
    • Eliminate any nonessential device drivers.
    • Eliminate any nonessential services.
    • Review the BIOS settings on your device. If it is possible, reduce or eliminate items such as memory scanning or auto detection.
  • When you start from a hibernation file, you can press F8 during the Resuming Windows screen to display the Start Options screen. You can select Continue for a system restart. This causes the start process to resume from the hibernation file, or you can select Delete restoration data and proceed to the system start menu. This starts Standard 7 as usual. You can also use the EWF Manager or EWF API functions to enable and disable HORM to reduce the number of required restarts.
  • If the system has more than one fixed volume, all the fixed volumes on the system must be protected by EWF. This is because the file system holds cached information about each volume in memory, and that cached information is saved within the hibernation file. For more information, see Use an Unprotected Volume in a Hibernate Once/Resume Many Environment.

See Also

Other Resources

Hibernation and EWF
EWF Performance Considerations
EWF Design Considerations