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Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment (Standard 7 Package Reference)


This package is a Feature Pack in the category Boot Environments. The name of the package as it appears on disk and for use with some command-line tools is WinEmb-EmbBootEnv.

The Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment is the HORM-aware version of Windows 7 Boot environment. This component is needed for HORM (Hibernate Once/Resume Many) to work with the Enhanced Write Filter with HORM (EWF). It is a required dependency for EWF and will be automatically included when EWF is added to the image.


No settings provided.


No services provided.


Package Dependencies

This package depends upon the Composite Bus Enumerator Driver package.

Group Dependencies

No group dependencies.

Optional Supporting Packages

No optional supporting packages.

Common Uses

Required by the Enhanced Write Filter with HORM package.


This package conflicts with the Windows Boot Environment package.