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Choosing a Way to Store Test Results (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


You can encrypt the results of a Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Test Kit (CETK) test. With encryption, you can prepare the results of a test for submission to the Driver Validation Program. For more information about the Driver Validation Program, see this Microsoft Web site. You can also group the results of multiple tests into a single cabinet (.cab) file. The following procedures show how to enable encryption and enable the creation of a .cab file.

To encrypt the results of a test

  1. From the Server menu, choose Server Settings.

  2. Choose the Test Results tab.

  3. Select the Encrypt test results check box, and then choose OK.

To group the results of one or more tests into a .cab file

  1. From the Server menu, choose Server Settings.

  2. Choose the Test Results tab.

  3. Select the Consolidate test results into a cabinet (.cab) file after tests complete check box, and then choose OK.

See Also


Viewing the Results of a Test

Other Resources

CETK Setup
How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver