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Application Compatibility Tool (Compact 2013)


This command-line tool scans DLLs and executable files for deprecated APIs. The tool takes two command-line options, input and output.


ceappcompat -i [folder name / dll name / exe name] -o [output file name]


  • -i <Path[\\Filename]>
    Folder path or module to scan (required).
  • -o <ResultsFile>
    Resultant output file (optional).


This tool is installed in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Bin\i386 directory.

Run this tool in an x86 OS build window, and run the tool from the installed folder.

This application depends on Link.exe (x86 version) and C run-time DLLs. If you are running this application from a window other than the x86 OS build window, set the Path environment variable to include the path to Link.exe, Msvcr90.dll, and Mspdb90.dll.

See Also


Platform Builder Command Line Tools