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Using the URL Moniker Functions (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The URLDownloadToCacheFile, URLDownloadToFile, URLOpenBlockingStream, URLOpenPullStream, and URLOpenStream functions combine the capabilities of asynchronous monikers and URL monikers into easy-to-use functions.

The following code example shows how to use the URLOpenBlockingStream function.

IStream* pStream;
char buffer[0x100];
DWORD dwGot;

// Open a blocking type stream to the Web site stored in the 
// string szWebSite.
URLOpenBlockingStream( 0, szWebSite, &pStream, 0, 0);

do {
    hr = pStream->Read( buffer, sizeof(buffer), &dwGot );
    // Do something with contents of buffer. 
} while( SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_FALSE);

return TRUE;


For more information about how to use the URL Moniker interfaces, methods, and functions, see the URL Monikers SDK documentation in the MSDN online library.

See Also

Other Resources

URL Moniker Services Application Development