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File Systems Registry Settings Overview (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


File system registry values are specified as subkeys of Storage Manager, under the top-level registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager.

The Storage Manager handles all external storage items, including all the file systems and block drivers. All file, data, and volume manipulation goes through the Storage Manager. Registry settings for Storage Manager and its subkeys allow you to specify the following kinds of file system properties:

  • Mount Settings
    Mount settings specify the properties of an instance of a mounted file system.
  • File System Settings
    File system settings can specify properties of a particular file system, or specify generic settings that apply to all file systems.
  • Storage Device Settings
    Storage device settings made under the Storage Manager key apply to an entire storage device or class of storage devices.
  • Autoload Settings
    Auto-load settings specify the properties of automatically loaded file systems that do not have associated block drivers, such as the Release File System (relfsd) and network file systems.

For information about registry keys for Storage Manager that govern settings other than file system settings, see Storage Manager Architecture.

Depending on the scope you want the settings to have, file system subkeys can be set at several different levels in the registry hierarchy. Typically, settings at the top level are used to configure the default values for the base file system, such as cache size or partition mounting instructions. In general, registry key settings are inherited by all subkeys below the level set. Unless explicitly re-valued by a setting at a lower level, values placed at the top level of Storage Manager apply to all subkeys below.

The highest level registry key for specifying file system values is


At this level, you can specify global profile settings, auto-load settings, and global filter settings.

See Also

Other Resources

File Systems and Storage Management Registry Settings
Settings for Specific File Systems