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Pocket Outlook Object Model Reference (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM) API provides access to Personal Information Manager (PIM) data on Windows Embedded CE-based devices. It mirrors the desktop version of the Outlook Object Model, yet it has a smaller scope of functionality. POOM is a COM-based type library that provides an objectoriented framework for creating, modifying, and displaying IAppointment, ITask and IContact items—and for manipulating the folders that contain them.

For information about the desktop version of the Outlook Object model, see this Microsoft Web site.

In This Section

The following members are included in the POOM API.

  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Enumerations
    Contains detailed information about each of the POOM enumerations: OlBusyStatus, OlCurrentCity, OlDaysOfWeek, OlDefaultFolders, OlImportance, OlItemType, OlMeetingStatus, OlRecurrenceType, OlReminderOptions, and OlSensitivity.
  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Functions
    Contains information about the Windows Embedded CE CePimCommand function, which is used for creating menu add-ins.


    On Windows Mobile devices, do not use CePimCommand; use the IContextMenu interface instead. For more information, see How to: Implement.

  • Pocket Outlook Object Model Interfaces
    Contains detailed information about the POOM interfaces: IAppointment, ICity, IContact, IException, IExceptions, IFolder, IPOlItems, IPOlRecipient, IPOutlookApp, IPOutlookItemCollection, IRecipient, IRecipients, IRecurrencePattern, ITask, ITimeZone.
  • Exchange Client
    Learn about how e-mail and PIM items are stored and accessed on an Exchange server, and the Exchange Client Catalog item. Contains reference pages, code examples, and information on Exchange Client application Development.

See Also

Other Resources

Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM)