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GPS Intermediate Driver IOCTLs (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The GPS Intermediate Driver (GPSID) implements and uses a variety of IOCTLs, with the DeviceIOControl function, to make functionality available to applications that use the GPSID.

The following table shows the IOCTLs used by the GPSID to communicate with the underlying GPS Hardware driver. These IOCTLs may be implemented by GPS hardware manufacturers, but their implementation is not required. Therefore, applications that use the GPS Intermediate Driver should not rely on their availability. For more information about implementing these IOCTLs, see Implementing GPS Intermediate Driver Hardware IOCTLs.

IOCTL Description



Can be implemented by GPS hardware manufacturers to return almanac information currently used by the GPS hardware.


Can be implemented by GPS hardware manufacturers to return non-almanac information - like mobile phone tower identification - currently used by the GPS hardware.


Can be implemented by GPS hardware manufacturers to obtain almanac information previously saved by an application using IOCTL_GPS_READ_ALMANAC.


Can be implemented by GPS hardware manufacturers to obtain return non-almanac information - like mobile phone tower identification - previously saved by an application using IOCTL_GPS_READ_ASSISTED.

The GPS Intermediate Driver also supports the following IOCTLs, which are used by applications to control when and how the GPS Intermediate Driver operates. For specific information about how the GPS Intermediate Driver uses these IOCTLs, see Controlling GPS Intermediate Driver Execution.

See Also

Other Resources

GPS Intermediate Driver Reference
GPS Intermediate Driver Application Development