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Display Resolution for a Windows Network Projector (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The display resolutions available to a Windows Network Projector are based on the capabilities of the display hardware and driver. You can place limits on the display resolutions that a Windows Network Projector can actually use by changing settings in the registry.

The minimum possible display resolution for a Windows Network Projector is 800 x 600 with a color depth of 8 bpp. The maximum resolution is limited by the network projector's display hardware. The higher the resolution and color depth, the greater the performance expense for the projector.

During the connection phase, the Windows Network Projector service negotiates with the Windows Vista-based PC to connect with the closet supported resolution through the following steps:

  1. The network projector service queries for the supported resolutions from the display driver.
  2. The supported resolutions are then compared against the maximum resolution, as defined in the network projector's registry settings.
  3. The supported resolutions that are less than or equal to the maximum resolution are sent to the Windows Vista Projector Connection Wizard.
  4. The Windows Vista-based PC compares the current resolution of the PC to the resolutions supported by the Windows Network Projector.
  5. If the Windows Vista-based PC's resolution is equal to or less than the supported Windows Network Projector resolutions, then the Windows Vista-based PC connects to the Network Projector
  6. If not, then the user will be notified with an error message that the user must reduce to the Windows Vista-based PC's resolution and attempt to connect again

You can set the maximum display resolution of the Windows Network Projector through the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PictorService registry key.

Value : type Description

MaxScreenWidth : DWORD

The default value is 1024.

The maximum horizontal resolution of the Windows Network Projector's display, in pixels.

MaxScreenHeight : DWORD

The default value is 768.

The maximum vertical resolution of the Windows Network Projector's display, in pixels.

See Also


Graphics Hardware Considerations for Windows Network Projectors

Other Resources

Customizing a Windows Network Projector