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IeXdi2Mem::ReadMemoryX (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This method reads a block of data from linear memory.

The memory content returned to this function should be sanitized of artifacts of software breakpoints or any other memory modifications produced by debugging activity in the driver, probe, or target device.


HRESULT ReadMemoryX(
  [in] DWORD dwCpuNum,
  [in] ADDRESS_TYPE Address,
  [in] DWORD dwNbElemToRead,
  [in] BYTE bAccessWidthInBytes,
  [out, size_is(dwNbElemToRead*   bAccessWidthInBytes)] BYTE* pbReadBuffer,
  [out] DWORD*  pdwNbElementEffectRead


  • dwCpuNum
    CPU number.

    This parameter should be 0 if this is not a symmetric multi-processor (SMP). Otherwise, assign dwCpuNum a value between 0 and n-1, where n is the CPU number in the SMP system.

  • lmt
    Linear memory map type.

    The following memory map types are used by convention:

    Value Description

    LMM_VIRT, 0

    Virtual memory

    LMM_PHYS, 1

    Physical memory

    LMM_IO, 2

    Peripheral I/O

    3 and higher

    Free for custom use

  • Address
    Starting address of the data buffer to be accessed on the target.
  • dwNbElemToRead
    Number of elements of bAccessWidthInBytes to be accessed.
  • bAccessWidthInBytes
    Data width in bytes, where byte=1, word=2, dword=4, and so on.
  • pbReadBuffer
    Buffer for the results of reading.

    pbReadBuffer must be at least large enough to hold dwNbElemToRead elements.


    The server should handle buffers of at least 64 KB.

  • pdwNbElementEffectRead
    Number of elements effectively read.

    If the entire address range is not accessible, such as when at least one element in the range encounters an access violation, this returned value should be 0 to avoid unnecessary querying.

Return Value

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description


Indicates the function was successful.


Indicates an unspecified failure.


Indicates an out of memory error.


Indicates one or more invalid arguments.


Indicates a communication error between host driver and debugging target.


Indicates an access violation occurred on at least one element in the address range specified by the operation.


Header eXDI2.h
Library ole32.lib, oleaut32.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0 and later

See Also


IeXDI2 Interfaces