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Kernel Profiler Sample Application (Compact 2013)


To control the kernel profiler, you can call the ProfileStart and ProfileStop functions from an existing application. The following code sample shows a standalone application that controls the kernel profiler.

#include <windows.h>
#include <profiler.h>

int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
  DWORD dwUSecInterval = 200;  // Default sampling interval
  DWORD dwProfOptions = 0;     // Default flags for ProfileStart
  // USAGE: profctl [-i <interval>] [-buffer/-kcall/-obj/-stop/-pause/
  // -continue/-startpaused]
  // EXAMPLE: profctl -i 300 -buffer  //Start profiler in Monte Carlo 
  //          mode, buffering data, sampling at 300us interval
  // profctl -stop  //Stop profiler

  if (_tcsstr(lpCmdLine, TEXT("-stop"))) {
      return 0;
  if (_tcsstr (lpCmdLine, _T("-pause"))) {
      dwProfOptions = PROFILE_PAUSE;
      goto startprofiler;  // ignore other command-line options
  if (_tcsstr (lpCmdLine, _T("-continue"))) {
      dwProfOptions = PROFILE_CONTINUE;
      goto startprofiler;  // ignore other command-line options
  if (p = _tcsstr (lpCmdLine, _T("-i")))
      dwUSecInterval = _ttol (p + 3);
  if (_tcsstr(lpCmdLine, TEXT("-obj")))
      dwProfOptions |= PROFILE_OBJCALL;
  if (_tcsstr(lpCmdLine, TEXT("-kcall")))
      dwProfOptions |= PROFILE_KCALL;
  if (_tcsstr(lpCmdLine, TEXT("-buffer")))
      dwProfOptions |= PROFILE_BUFFER;
  if (_tcsstr(lpCmdLine, TEXT("-startpaused")))
      dwProfOptions |= PROFILE_STARTPAUSED;

  ProfileStart(dwUSecInterval, dwProfOptions);
  return 0;


When you run the kernel profiler in buffered mode, you may want to use a sampling interval of approximately 200 microseconds (µs).

When you run the kernel profiler in unbuffered mode you may want to use a larger sampling interval, for example 1000 µs. In unbuffered mode, the kernel profiler looks up symbols while profiling. Because it takes more time to capture each sample, unbuffered mode requires a larger sampling interval than buffered mode. You must provide the OS with enough time to execute between samples.

See Also


Kernel Profiler

Other Resources
