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Catalog Item Dependencies (Compact 2013)


During OS design creation and customization, Platform Builder calls the Cesysgen tool (Cesysgen.bat), which uses Sysgen variables during the Sysgen phase of the build process to determine the inclusion or exclusion of catalog items in your OS design.

Determining the inclusion or exclusion of catalog items in your OS design is accomplished with the logic contained in Cesysgen.bat that specifies which other catalog items a specific catalog item requires. You can determine the dependencies of a Catalog item by examining Cesysgen.bat.

If you remove a specific catalog item from your OS design and Platform Builder brings the catalog item back into your OS design, this means that another catalog item requires that catalog item to function. To remove a catalog item from your OS design, you must first remove all catalog items that depend on it.

Some features might not be included in an OS design because the design is built with the assumption that the catalog item is always included, or because the OS design does not support the catalog item. For example, an OS design based on a Quick Start design template might not have wireless networking functionality because it is not supported by default.

During the Sysgen phase, a filtering program filters header (.h), binary image builder (.bib), and registry (.reg) files that correspond to these catalog items according to IF and ENDIF statements that divide these files into components. Then the filtering program copies the filtered versions of these files to %_WINCEROOT%\OSDesigns\<MyOSDesign>.

See Also


Catalog Item Management