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Step 4: Add a Component and Check Dependencies


After creating a configuration, you use Target Designer to add the Hello World component to it, and then run a dependency check.

  1. In the component browser, select the Hello World component and use the drag-and-drop method to move this component into the configuration editor.

  2. From the Configuration menu, choose Check Dependencies.
    The dependency check may run for a few minutes or longer, depending on the performance capabilities of your computer. When the dependency check has completed, unresolved dependencies are listed in the Tasks list.

  3. When the dependency check has completed, choose Close.
    A task is added to the list displayed on the Tasks tab whenever more than one component is available to resolve a dependency.

  4. If there are no tasks, proceed to Step 5: Build the Configuration into a Run-Time Image.
    - or -
    Open a task in the Tasks list.
    The Resolve Dependency dialog box appears, listing the components available to resolve a dependency.

  5. Resolve all the dependencies listed in the Tasks list. When you have no tasks left in the Tasks list, you have resolved all dependencies.


    Resolving dependencies may introduce new dependencies.

  6. Run the dependency check again, resolving any additional tasks.

  7. After resolving all dependencies, choose Close.


The Networking and DirectX components should have been added through the dependency check.

You now have a complete configuration that is ready to build into a run-time image.

See Also


Step 5: Build the Configuration into a Run-Time Image
Step 3: Create a Kiosk/Gaming Configuration
Tutorial: Creating a Custom Component