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CEPROPSPEC (EDB) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure contains information for the specified property. The structure is used when calling the CeCreateDatabaseWithProps (EDB) and CeAddDatabaseProps (EDB) functions to define new database properties. The structure is also used with the CeGetDatabaseProps (EDB) function.

typedef struct CEPROPSPEC {  WORD wVersion;  CEPROPID propid;  DWORD dwFlags;  LPWSTR pwszPropName;  DWORD cchPropName;} CEPROPSPEC;


  • wVersion
    Version of this structure; must be set to 1.

  • propid
    The property ID.

  • dwFlags
    One or a combination of the following flags.

    Flag Description
    DB_PROP_NOTNULL Specifies that the property must contain a value and cannot be NULL. This flag must be specified if the property is included in a sort order that is defined as a primary key.
    DB_PROP_COMPRESSED Specifies that this property should be stored compressed. This flag applies only to properties of the type CEVT_STREAM. Using it with other properties generates an error. A stream that was marked as being compressed will be inaccessible via the stream APIs; a user must instead use the CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB) function.
  • pwszPropName
    An optional name that can be assigned to a property. If a name is not given, then an internal name is generated.

    When you make a call to CeGetDatabaseProps, you must pre-allocate space for the property names by setting this field to an empty string buffer.

  • cchPropName
    Size of the optional property name. The maximum size (not including the terminating NULL) is CEDB_MAXDBASENAMELEN (128).


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Windbase.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

CeCreateDatabaseWithProps (EDB) | CeAddDatabaseProps (EDB) | CeGetDatabaseProps (EDB) | CeReadRecordPropsEx (EDB)

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