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IAppointment Properties (Windows CE 5.0)

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The IAppointment interface reads the properties described in the following table.

Properties in Vtable Order

Property Description
HRESULT get_Subject
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrSubject);
HRESULT put_Subject
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrSubject);
Returns or sets the subject for the Appointment. This string is limited to 4096 characters.
HRESULT get_Location
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrLocation);
HRESULT put_Location
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrLocation);
Returns or sets the location for an Appointment. Maximum length is 1023 characters.
HRESULT get_Categories
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrCategories);
HRESULT put_Categories
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrCategories);
Returns or sets the categories assigned to the Appointment.
HRESULT get_Start
(/* [out] */ DATE *pdaStart);
HRESULT put_Start
(/* [in] */ DATE daStart);
Returns or sets when an Appointment starts. This must be set before or equal to the End property. Dates must be between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive. The default start time is the next hour — for example, if the current time is 10:37 AM, the default start time is 11:00 AM.
HRESULT get_Duration
(/* [out] */ long *plDuration);
HRESULT put_Duration
(/* [in] */ long lDuration);
Returns or sets the length of an Appointment. The maximum duration is 31 days. The default duration is one hour.
(/* [out] */ DATE *pdaEnd);
(/* [in] */ DATE daEnd);
Returns or sets when the Appointment ends. This must be set equal to or after the Start property. Dates must be set between 1/1/1900 and 12/31/2999 inclusive.
HRESULT get_AllDayEvent
(/* [out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbAllDayEvent);
HRESULT put_AllDayEvent
(/* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bAllDayEvent);
Returns or sets whether an Appointment is an all day event. If TRUE, the appointment cannot be a meeting. The default for this is FALSE.
HRESULT get_IsRecurring
(/* [out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbIsRecurring);
Returns whether the Appointment is recurring. This is useful to use in a restriction string, to quickly discern whether or not an appointment is recurring.
HRESULT get_MeetingStatus
(/* [out] */ long *plMeetingStatus);
Returns whether the appointment is a meeting (olMeeting) or not (olNotMeeting). In Pocket Outlook, you do not set this to indicate a meeting. The program automatically sets MeetingStatus for any appointment with recipients to olMeeting.
HRESULT get_Sensitivity
(/* [out] */ long *plSensitivity);
HRESULT put_Sensitivity
(/* [in] */ long lSensitivity);
Returns or sets the sensitivity for a meeting as normal (olNormal) or private (olPrivate). The default setting for a new appointment is olNormal.
HRESULT get_BusyStatus
(/* [out] */ long *plBusyStatus);
HRESULT put_BusyStatus
(/* [in] */ long lBusyStatus);
Returns or sets a user's availability during an Appointment. You can set this property to display a user's availability as Busy (olBusy), Free (olFree), Out of Office (olOutOfOffice), or Tentative (olTentative). The default for a new appointment is olBusy.
HRESULT get_ReminderSet
(/* [out] */ VARIANT_BOOL *pbReminderSet);
HRESULT put_ReminderSet
(/* [in] */ VARIANT_BOOL bReminderSet);
Returns or sets whether the user wants to be reminded of an Appointment. The default for this is the user setting in the Calendar Options dialog box.
HRESULT get_ReminderSoundFile
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrReminderSoundFile);
HRESULT put_ReminderSoundFile
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrReminderSoundFile);
Returns or sets the path and file name of the sound file to play when the reminder occurs for the Appointment. This property is valid only if the ReminderSet property is TRUE and the ReminderOptions property includes olSound. The reminder sound file is the current setting for the Calendar application and must be explicitly set.

Maximum length is 255 characters.

HRESULT get_ReminderOptions
(/* [out] */ long *plReminderOptions);
HRESULT put_ReminderOptions
(/* [in] */ long lReminderOptions);
Returns or sets the type of a reminder. Sum of any of the following constants.

olLED activates the LED (light emitting diode) on a device.

olVibrate activates any vibration indicator on a device.

olDialog displays a dialog.

olSound plays the file specified by ReminderSoundFile.

olRepeat repeats the reminder.

Sum different options to simultaneously provide multiple types of reminders. Setting this property clears any previous setting.

Because Windows CE-based devices support several notification options not supported by desktop computers (such as flashing LED or vibration), this property replaces the Outlook ReminderPlaySound property.

HRESULT get_ReminderMinutesBeforeStart
(/* [out] */ long *plReminderMinutesBeforeStart);
HRESULT put_ReminderMinutesBeforeStart
(/* [in] */ long lReminderMinutesBeforeStart);
Returns or sets the number of minutes a reminder occurs before the start of an Appointment. The default for this is the user setting in the Calendar Options dialog box.
HRESULT get_Recipients
(/* [out] */ Irecipients **ppRecipients);
Returns the recipients list as a Recipients object. Use the methods for the Recipients object to get, add or remove recipients in the recipients list.
HRESULT get_Body
(/* [out] */ BSTR *pbstrBody);
HRESULT put_Body
(/* [in] */ BSTR bstrBody);
Returns or sets notes or message accompanying an appointment. The maximum size is 20 KB.
HRESULT get_BodyInk
(/* [out] */ CEBLOB **ppBodyInk);
HRESULT put_BodyInk
(/* [in] */ CEBLOB *pBodyInk);
Returns or sets a Binary Large Object (BLOB) describing the Ink Note information. The properties Body and BodyInk both access the same property. The Body returns only the string value of the Body while the BodyInk property returns an Ink BLOB that can be set to an Ink Control.
HRESULT get_Application
(/* [out] */ IPOutlookApp **ppIPOutlookApp);
Returns an Application object that represents the parent application (Pocket Outlook) for the item.
(/* [out] */ long *plOid);
Returns the object identifier (OID) for an item. This may be necessary for replication services.

Return Values

Each property method supports the standard HRESULT return values, including S_OK.


Pocket Outlook does not support the desktop Outlook's ReminderOverrideDefault property. When you create an appointment, Pocket Outlook automatically creates it with the default reminder information. Setting individual reminder properties automatically overrides their defaults.

In the desktop Outlook, you must set the MeetingStatus property of an appointment to mark it as a meeting request. This allows you to have appointments with recipients that are not meeting requests. This is not possible in Pocket Outlook, for which an appointment is a meeting request if Recipients is specified. The MeetingStatus property is read-only and can only take the values olNonMeeting and olMeeting.

In the desktop Outlook, the Address property is read-only. In Pocket Outlook, it is read/write. This is because Pocket Outlook does not provide a Resolve method to resolve the display name to an e-mail address.

To send a cancellation to a meeting in the desktop Outlook, you must first set the MeetingStatus property to olMeetingCanceled. Since this property is read-only in Pocket Outlook, you must call Cancel to send a cancellation method for a meeting. You must subsequently call the Item collection's Delete method to remove the meeting from the user's calendar.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Pimstore.h.
Link Library: Pimstore.lib.

See Also


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