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ICcBootStrap::Launch (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method launches an application with command line arguments on a remote device.

HRESULT Launch(  BSTRbstrCommand,  LPCOLESTR bstrArguments  DWORDdwLaunchFlags);


  • bstrCommand
    [in] Application name to launch, including the full path if the application is not in the standard search path.

  • bstrArguments
    [in] Command line arguments for bstrCommand.

  • dwLaunchFlags
    [in] Flag to determine which KITL transport to start on a device boot.

    The flag is an OR combination of one of the following:

    Flag Value Description
    KTS_DEFAULT 0 Default transport for platform.
    KTS_ETHER 1 Ethernet transport.
    KTS_SERIAL 2 Serial transport.
    KTS_USB 3 USB transport.
    KTS_NONE 63 No transport.
    KTS_PASSIVE_MODE 0x40 Passive KITL mode transport.

Return Values

The following table shows return values for this method.

Value Description
S_OK Indicates success.
HRESULT_FROM_WIN32() Indicates an error code returned by CeCreateProcess or CreateProcess on the device.
E_FAIL Indicates any other failure.


The dwLaunchFlags launch flags are passed in as arguments to CreateProcess.

In the case of a kernel bootstrap, this API also sends instructions to the device to jump to the starting address of the image. In this case, wszCommand is ignored.

For application bootstraps, dwLaunchFlags value is passed to CreateProcess without any modifications.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: CcBootstrap.idl.
Link Library: none.

See Also

Core Connectivity Interfaces

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