TSPI_lineSwapHold (Windows CE 5.0)
This function swaps the specified active call with the specified call on consultation hold.
- dwRequestID
Identifier of the asynchronous request. - hdActiveCall
Handle to the call to be swapped with the call on consultation hold. The call state of hdActiveCall can be connected. - hdHeldCall
Handle to the consultation call. The call state of hdHeldCall can be onHoldPendingTransfer, onHoldPendingConference, or onHold.
Return Values
Returns dwRequestID, or an error number if an error occurs. The lResult actual parameter of the corresponding ASYNC_COMPLETION is zero if the function succeeds, or an error number if an error occurs. The following table shows the return values for this method.
Value | Description |
LINEERR_INVALCALLHANDLE | The handle to the call is invalid. |
LINEERR_OPERATIONUNAVAIL | The operation is unavailable. |
LINEERR_INVALCALLSTATE | The call state is invalid. |
LINEERR_OPERATIONFAILED | The operation failed. |
LINEERR_NOMEM | Not enough memory is available. |
LINEERR_RESOURCEUNAVAIL | The resource is unavailable. |
The service provider must send LINE_CALLSTATE messages for the call transitions.
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Tapicomn.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.
See Also
TSPI_lineSetupConference | TSPI_lineSetupTransfer
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