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SOCKADDR_IRDA (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used in conjunction with IrDA socket operations, defined by address family AF_IRDA.

typedef struct _SOCKADDR_IRDA{u_short irdaAddressFamily;u_char irdaDeviceID[4];char irdaServiceName[25];} SOCKADDR_IRDA, *PSOCKADDR_IRDA, FAR* LPSOCKADDR_IRDA;


  • irdaAddressFamily
    Address family. This member is always AF_IRDA.
  • irdaDeviceID
    Device identifier (ID) of the IrDA device to which the client wants to issue the connect (Windows Sockets) function call. Ignored by server applications.
  • irdaServiceName
    Well-known service name associated with a server application. Specified by servers during their bind (Windows Sockets) function call.


Client applications make use of each field in this structure. The irdaDeviceID member is obtained by a previous discovery operation performed by making a setsockopt (Windows Sockets) (IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES) function call. For more information on performing a discovery operation, see the Notes for IrDA Sockets section in the Remarks section of setsockopt.

The irdaServiceName member is filled with the well-known value that the server application specified in its bind (Windows Sockets) function call.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Winsock2.h.

See Also

getsockopt (Windows Sockets) | setsockopt (Windows Sockets) | bind (Windows Sockets) | connect (Windows Sockets) | IrDA Application Development

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