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PCMCIA Legacy Compatibility Layer Tuple Codes (Windows CE 5.0)

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Tuple codes identify tuples in the tuple chain in a PC Card's card information structure. The following table shows the defined tuple codes.

Tuple type Description
CISTPL_ALTSTR Alternate language string tuple.
CISTPL_BATTERY Battery replacement data tuple.
CISTPL_BYTEORDER Byte order tuple.
CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY Configuration table entry tuple.
CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY_CB Configuration table entry tuple for Cardbus function.
CISTPL_CHECKSUM Checksum control tuple. Contains checksum for a specified area of the card information structure (CIS).
CISTPL_CONFIG Configuration tuple.
CISTPL_CONFIG_CB Configuration tuple for Cardbus function.
CISTPL_DATE Card initialization data tuple.
CISTPL_DEVICE Device information tuple for common memory. Describes the parameters for the memory devices in common memory.
CISTPL_DEVICE_A Device information tuple for attribute memory. Describes the parameters for the memory devices in attribute memory.
CISTPL_DEVICE_OA Operating conditions for attribute memory.
CISTPL_DEVICE_OC Operating conditions for common memory.
CISTPL_END End of tuple chain.
CISTPL_FORMAT Data recording format.
CISTPL_FUNCE Function extension tuple.
CISTPL_FUNCID Function identification tuple.
CISTPL_GEODEVICE Device geometry information tuple for common memory.
CISTPL_GEODEVICE_A Device geometry information tuple for attribute memory.
CISTPL_GEOMETRY Geometry tuple.
CISTPL_JEDEC_A JEDEC identifier for attribute memory.
CISTPL_JEDEC_C JEDEC identifier for common memory.
CISTPL_LINKTARGET Long link target control tuple.
CISTPL_LONG_LINK_MFC Long link control tuple for multiple function 16-bit PC Card.
CISTPL_LONGLINK_A Long link control tuple for attribute memory.
CISTPL_LONGLINK_C Long link control tuple for common memory.
CISTPL_LONGLINK_CB Long link control tuple for Cardbus cards.
CISTPL_LONGLINK_MFC Multiple function.
CISTPL_MANFID Manufacturer's identifier tuple.
CISTPL_NO_LINK No link control tuple. Drivers should ignore all long links in this chain.
CISTPL_NULL Null tuple. Ignore this tuple.
CISTPL_ORG Organization tuple.
CISTPL_VERS_1 Level 1 version tuple.
CISTPL_VERS_2 Level 2 version tuple.

See Also

PCMCIA Legacy Compatiblity Layer Reference

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