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The CPU and Disk Action

The CPU and disk action produces a text report that summarizes the various metrics regarding the CPU and disk. The command line options for CPU and disk are:

-a cpudisk [-thread] [-exc_dpcisr]  [-pids ...] [-exes ..] [-marks ..] [-times ..] 
Option Description
Thread-level report
Exclude DPC/ISR time

DPC/ISR times are excluded from process/thread time if DPC/ISR events are present in the trace. For process filtering, the options in the following table are available.

Option Description
pids <pid>
Process Ids to include in the report
exes <name>
Process names to include in the report

If no -pids or -exes is specified, all processes will be included in the report. For time filtering, the options in the following table are available.

Option Description
marks <mark>
Marks that determine the time intervals in the report
times <ts> <ts>
Timestamps that determine the time intervals in the report

If no -marks or -times are specified, all marks in the traces, or the trace start and end time if less than two marks are present in the trace, will be used to determine the report time intervals.