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TV Ratings Interfaces

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The following table lists the interfaces that are defined for the TV Ratings objects.

Interface Description
IDTFilter Exposed by the Decrypter/Detagger filter.
IDTFilter2 Extends the IDTFilter interface.
IDTFilter3 Extends the IDTFilter2 interface.
IDTFilterConfig Configures the Decrypter/Detagger filter.
IETFilter Exposed by the Encrypter/Tagger filter.
IETFilterConfig Configures the Encrypter/Tagger filter.
IEvalRat Evaluates content ratings carried by a broadcast stream.
IXDSCodec Exposed by the XDS Codec filter.
IXDSCodecConfig Configures the XDS Codec filter.
IXDSToRat Parses rating information from extended data services (XDS) information in line 21.

TV Ratings Components