Loading an XML Schema for Use with the ISchema Interface
[This topic discusses a feature that was only implemented for MSXML 6.0.]
An XML Schema must be loaded into a schema cache before it is available to the SOM interfaces. The add method of the IXMLDOMSchemaCollection interface adds the XML Schema into a schema cache. The getSchema method of the IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2 interface returns a schema object to be used with the ISchema interface.
The following Visual Basic example shows an XML Schema being loaded into a schema cache, then retrieved into a schema object.
Dim oSchemaCache As New XMLSchemaCache60
Dim oSchema as ISchema
Dim nsTarget as String
nsTarget = "http://www.samples.microsoft.com/sampletarget"
oSchemaCache.add nsTarget, "PO.xsd"
Set oSchema = oSchemaCache.getSchema(nsTarget)