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Using the Package and Deployment Wizard

Use the Visual Basic Package and Deployment Wizard to create a package and setup program for a snap-in created in Visual Basic.

The following files are required for a Visual Basic snap-in installation:

  • Snap-in dynamic-link library (DLL) created by Visual Basic
  • Snap-in designer runtime (Mssnapr.dll)
  • Visual Basic 6.0 runtime (Msvbvm60.dll)

You can also use the Package and Deployment Wizard to create a package for a saved console file. Before you start, place the console file (.msc) in a directory that contains a snap-in project, and then use the following procedure.

To create a package for a saved console file

  1. On the Visual Basic Tools menu, click Package and Deployment Wizard.
  2. In the Select Project drop-down list box, click the snap-in project you want to use or click the Browse button to locate the snap-in project.
  3. Click Next to continue to the page entitled "Package and Deployment Wizard–Included Files," and then click Add.
  4. In the Files of type drop-down list box, click All Files.
  5. Select the saved console file (.msc), and then click Open.
  6. Proceed to the Start Menu Items page, and then click New Item.
  7. In the Target drop-down list box, click the .msc file to use.
  8. In the Name text box, type the name you want for your icon, and then click OK.
  9. Click Finish to close the Package and Deployment Wizard.