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In-Process and Out-of-Process

When an extension is added to a management agent or to the metaverse, the extension can be configured to run in-process or out-of-process. Running the extension in-process means that the extension is loaded directly into the Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007, Feature Pack 1 server process. Running an extension in-process is more efficient than running it out-of-process. If the extension suffers a failure, however, the ILM 2007 FP1 server can stop functioning correctly or even stop running altogether.

Running an extension out-of-process means that the failure of the extension will not affect the ILM 2007 FP1 server. Application speed and resource availability, however, are both decreased. Debugging an extension that is run out-of-process is very difficult because the process that loads the extension is running only when required and not continuously.

We recommend that extensions be tested and debugged while in-process. When the extension is tested and debugged, it can be configured to run out-of-process.

The following figure shows the out-of-process setting for a management agent extension. This window is accessed by performing the following steps in ILM 2007 FP1:

  1. Select MA Designer in the ILM 2007 FP1 toolbar.
  2. Select the appropriate management agent.
  3. Select Properties from the Actions list to open the Properties window.
  4. Select Configure Extensions in the Contents list of the Properties window.

If you select the Run this extension in a separate process check box, the extension will be run out-of-process. If the Run this extension in a separate process check box is cleared, the extension will be run in-process.

Management agent properties dialog box

The following dialog box contains the out-of-process setting for the metaverse extension. This dialog box is accessed by selecting ToolsConfigure Extensions in the Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 application. If the Run this extension in a separate process check box is selected, the extension will be run out-of-process. If the Run this extension in a separate process check box is not selected, the extension will be run in-process.

Configure extensions dialog box

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Build date: 2/16/2009