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Example: Creating a Unique Naming Attribute in the Metaverse

Some attributes in a connector space, such as samAccountName in Active Directory, must have a unique value in that connector space. When you import objects from a connected system to the metaverse, the imported objects might have attribute values that already exist on other objects in the metaverse. You can use a rules extension to enforce that an object that is projected or joined to the metaverse has unique attribute values. If an attribute value from this object already exists in the metaverse, you can provide conflict resolution logic to create a unique attribute value for it as part of the import process.

Note  You need not limit your checks for uniqueness to only ILM 2007 FP1 data sources. You can also use external data sources to check for uniqueness. The downside to using any external source is the additional challenges they present, including possible performance problems and debugging issues.

The following example shows how to create a unique attribute value in the metaverse:

    Public Sub MapAttributesForImport( _
        ByVal FlowRuleName As String, _
        ByVal csentry As CSEntry, _
        ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
        Implements IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport
        Select Case FlowRuleName
            Case "mailNicknameMapping"
                ' If the mailnickname attribute exists, set to attribute to
                ' a value from the nickname function. If the nickname attribute
                ' does not exist, delete the metaverse entry.
                If csentry("mailnickname").IsPresent Then
                    ' The value for the mailnickname attribute should be unique on every 
                    ' metaverse entry. To create a unique value, call a function that
                    ' calculates a unique name based upon the connector space entry.
                    ' Use this calculated value as the attribute value for the metaverse
                    ' entry.
                    Dim newMailNickname As String
                    newMailNickname = GetCheckedMailNickName(csentry("mailnickname").Value, mventry)
                    ' If a unique nickname could not be created, throw an exception.
                    If newMailNickname.Equals("") Then
                        Throw New TerminateRunException("A unique mailNickname could not be found")
                    End If
                    mventry("mailNickname").Value = newMailNickname
                End If
            Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub
    ' This function checks passed value for uniqueness and also creates new values.
    Public Function GetCheckedMailNickName( _
          ByVal mailNickname As String, _
          ByVal mventry As MVEntry) As String
        Dim findResultList() As MVEntry
        Dim checkedMailNickname As String = mailNickname
        GetCheckedMailNickName = ""
        Dim nameSuffix As Integer
        Dim mvEntryFound As MVEntry
        ' Create a unique naming attribute by adding a number to
        ' the existing mailNickname value.
        For nameSuffix = 1 To 100
            ' Check if the passed mailNickname value exists in the metaverse by
            ' using the Utils.FindMVEntries method.
            findResultList = Utils.FindMVEntries("mailNickname", checkedMailNickname, 1)
            ' If the value does not exist in the metaverse, use the passed value
            ' as the metaverse value.
            If findResultList.Length = 0 Then
                GetCheckedMailNickName = checkedMailNickname
                Exit For
            End If
            ' Check that the connector space entry is connected to the
            ' metaverse entry.
            mvEntryFound = findResultList(0)
            If mvEntryFound Is mventry Then
                GetCheckedMailNickName = checkedMailNickname
                Exit For
            End If
            ' If the passed value already exists, concatenate the counter number
            ' to the passed value and verify this new value exists. Repeat
            ' this step until a unique value is created.
            checkedMailNickname = mailNickname & nameSuffix.ToString
    End Function
    void IMASynchronization.MapAttributesForImport (string FlowRuleName, CSEntry csentry, MVEntry mventry)
            case "mailNicknameMapping" :
                //case "mailNicknameMapping":
                // If the mailnickname attribute exists, set attribute to
                // a value from the nickname function. If the nickname attribute
                // does not exist, delete the metaverse entry.
                    // The value for the mailnickname attribute should be unique on every 
                    // metaverse entry. To create a unique value, call a function that
                    // calculates a unique name based upon the connector space entry.
                    // Use this calculated value as the attribute value for the metaverse
                    // entry.
                    string newMailNickname = GetCheckedMailNickName(csentry["mailNickname"].Value, mventry);
                    // If a unique nickname could not be created, throw an exception.
                        throw new TerminateRunException("A unique mailNickname could not be found");
                    mventry["mailNickname"].Value = newMailNickname;
            default :
    // This function creates a unique mailNickname for use in a metaverse entry.
    string GetCheckedMailNickName(string mailNickname, MVEntry mventry)
        MVEntry[] findResultList = null;
        string checkedMailNickname = mailNickname;
        // Create a unique naming attribute by adding a number to
        // the existing mailNickname value.
        for (int nameSuffix = 1; nameSuffix < 100; nameSuffix++)
            // Check if the mailNickname value exists in the metaverse by 
            // using the Utils.FindMVEntries method.
            findResultList = Utils.FindMVEntries("mailNickname", checkedMailNickname, 1);
            if (findResultList.Length == 0)
                // The current mailNickname is not in use.
            // If a metaverse entry was found with the specified mailNickname, 
            // see if this is the entry specified.
            MVEntry mvEntryFound = findResultList[0];
            if (mvEntryFound.Equals(mventry))
            // If the passed nickname is already in use by another metaverse 
            // entry, concatenate the counter number to the passed value and 
            // verify this new value exists. Repeat this step until a unique 
            // value is created.
            checkedMailNickname = mailNickname + nameSuffix.ToString();
        // Return an empty string if no unique nickname could be created.
        return "";

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Build date: 2/16/2009