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RemoteDesktopClientSettings.SetRdpProperty method

[SetRdpProperty is no longer available for use as of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.]

Sets the value of a single named RDP property.


remoteDesktopClientSettings.setRdpProperty(propertyName, value);


propertyName [in]

Type: String

A string that specifies the name of the property. This can be one of the following values.

Note  These string values are not case-sensitive.


"administrative session" (Boolean)

Specifies whether the session is an administrative session. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    The session is not an administrative session.

  • True
    The session is an administrative session.

"allow font smoothing" (Boolean)

Specifies whether font smoothing is allowed in the remote session. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    Font smoothing is not allowed.

  • True
    Font smoothing is allowed.

"alternate full address" (String)

Specifies an alternate name or IP address of the remote computer that you want to connect to.

"audiocapturemode" (Boolean)

Specifies the audio input capture mode. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    Do not capture audio input.

  • True
    Capture audio input.

"audiomode" (Number)

Specifies where sounds are played. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Play sounds on the client computer.

  • 1
    Play sounds on the host computer.

  • 2
    Do not play sounds.

"authentication level" (Number)

Specifies the authentication level of the remote session. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0

  • 1
    Authentication required.

  • 2
    Authentication negotiable.

  • 3
    Authentication unspecified.

"connection type" (Number)

Specifies the connection type This can be one of the following values.

  • 1

  • 2
    Low speed broadband

  • 3

  • 4
    High speed broadband

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7
    Auto detect

"cookie based authentication server address" (String)

Specifies the address of the cookie-based authentication server.

"desktopheight" (Number)

Specifies the height, in pixels, of the virtual desktop.

"desktopwidth" (Number)

Specifies the width, in pixels, of the virtual desktop.

"disable full window drag" (Boolean)

Specifies whether showing window contents while dragging is disabled. This can be one of the following values.

  • false

  • True

"disable menu anims" (Boolean)

Specifies whether showing menu animations is disabled. This can be one of the following values.

  • false

  • True

"disable themes" (Boolean)

Specifies whether themes are disabled. This can be one of the following values.

  • false

  • True

"disable wallpaper" (Boolean)

Specifies whether wallpapers are displayed. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    Wallpapers are displayed.

  • True
    Wallpapers are not displayed.

"domain" (String)

Specifies the domain used to connect to the remote session.

"enablecredsspsupport" (Boolean)

Specifies whether to use CredSSP-based authentication for the remote session. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    Do not use CredSSP-based authentication.

  • True
    Use CredSSP-based authentication.

"full address" (String)

Specifies the address of the computer being connected to.

"gatewaycredentialssource" (Number)

Specifies the source for credentials for the Remote Desktop gateway. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Prompt the user for their credentials and use NTLM authentication.

  • 1
    Use a smart card for credentials.

  • 2
    Use the credentials for the currently logged on user.

  • 3
    Prompt the user for their credentials and use basic authentication.

  • 4
    The user will select the credential source at logon.

  • 5
    Use cookie-based authentication.

"gatewayhostname" (String)

Specifies the Remote Desktop gateway server name.

"gatewayprofileusagemethod" (Number)

Specifies the Remote Desktop gateway profile usage. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Use the gateway profile settings, if present.

  • 1
    Use the explicit gateway settings, even if a gateway profile exists.

"gatewayusagemethod" (Number)

Specifies the Remote Desktop gateway usage. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Do not use a Remote Desktop gateway server. The Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses check box is cleared.

  • 1
    Use the Remote Desktop gateway specified by the "gatewayhostname" property.

  • 2
    Automatically detect the Remote Desktop gateway server settings.

  • 3
    Use the default settings Remote Desktop gateway usage settings.

  • 4
    Do not use a Remote Desktop gateway server. The Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses check box is selected.

"high resolution mouse" (Boolean)

Specifies the resolution mode for mouse input. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    Mouse input will be coalesced. Mouse data will be subsampled and sent according to the default sampling rate.

  • True
    Mouse input will not be coalesced. Mouse data will be sent at full resolution.

"loadbalanceinfo" (String)

Contains the load balancing cookie used to choose the best server for the client computer.

"login web page address" (String)

Specifies the address of the login webpage.

"pre-authentication server address" (String)

Specifies the address of the preauthentication server.

"prompt for credentials" (Boolean)

Specifies whether the user will be prompted for their credentials. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    The user will not be prompted for credentials.

  • True
    The user will be prompted for credentials.

"promptcredentialonce" (Number)

Specifies whether credential sharing for the Remote Desktop gateway is enabled. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Credential sharing is disabled.

  • 1
    Credential sharing is enabled.

"redirectclipboard" (Boolean)

Specifies whether the clipboard for the client is redirected to the remote session. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    The clipboard is not redirected.

  • True
    The clipboard is redirected.

"redirectprinters" (Boolean)

Specifies whether the printers for the client are redirected to the remote session. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    The printers are not redirected.

  • True
    The printers are redirected.

"require pre-authentication" (Number)

Specifies whether preauthentication is required. This can be one of the following values.

  • 0
    Pre-authentication is not required.

  • 1
    Pre-authentication is required.

"support url" (String)

Specifies the URL to obtain support information from.


"use redirection server name" (Boolean)

Specifies whether a redirection server is allowed. This can be one of the following values.

  • false
    A redirection server is not allowed.

  • True
    A redirection server is allowed.

"username" (String)

Specifies the user name used to connect to the remote session.

"WinRTEncryptedPassword" (String)

Specifies an encrypted password. To set this property, you must perform the following actions.

  1. Convert the cleartext password to binary by using the ConvertStringToBinary method on the CryptographicBuffer class.
  2. Set the WinRTPasswordEncoding property by using an equivalent value for the encoding parameter you passed to the ConvertStringToBinary method in step 1.
  3. Call the DataProtectionProvider(String) method by passing "LOCAL=user" for the input string.
  4. Call the ProtectAsync method to encrypt the binary string that contains the password.
  5. Convert the CryptographicBuffer object returned by the ProtectAsync method to a Base64 encoded value by using the EncodeToBase64String method.
  6. Set this property (WinRTEncryptedPassword) with the Base64 encoded string obtained in step 5.

"WinRTPasswordEncoding" (Number)

Specifies the type of encoding that can be applied to an encrypted password. This can be one of the following values. The default value is 1. This property must be set before setting the WinRTEncryptedPassword property.

  • 0

  • 1

  • 2

"Workspace Id" (String)

Specifies the identifier of the RemoteApp and Desktop Connection workspace which this RDP file has been published as part of.

value [in]

Type: Object

The new property value.

Return value

This method does not return a value.


The following code example, from the Remote Desktop app container client sample, demonstrates how to use the SetRdpProperty method to set various properties in the RemoteDesktopClient object.

function setConnectionProperties () {
    // Set the server to connect to.
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("Full Address", serverName);

    // Set the desktop resolution.
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("DesktopWidth", desktopWidth);
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("DesktopHeight", desktopHeight);

    // Turn ON microphone redirection.
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("AudioCaptureMode", true);

    // Specify connection experience based on bandwidth and latency.
    // 6 ==> LAN
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("connection type", 6);

    // Turn on printer redirection.
    myClientControlObject.Settings.SetRdpProperty("RedirectPrinters", false);


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 [Windows Store apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012 [Windows Store apps only]

End of client support

Windows 8.1

End of server support

Windows Server 2012 R2



Type library




See also
