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Step 4, Advanced Options, Window Styles Tab

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

The following macros are set from the Window Styles tab of the Step 4 Advanced Options dialog box.

Macro Type Description
FRAME_STYLES BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified nondefault main frame styles.
SW_ARG text Argument to the function. Normally this is “m_nCmdShow”, but if the user has chosen “maximized” or “minimized” for the main frame, this value is “SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED” or “SW_SHOWMINIMIZED”, respectively.
FRAME_STYLE_FLAGS text If nondefault main frame styles are selected by the AppWizard user, this macro’s value represents the selected main frame styles and is added to the style data member of the passed to .
MDICHILD BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified splitter windows in an MDI application and/or chosen nondefault child frame styles. AppWizard must generate a class derived from CMDIChildWnd.
CHILD_FRAME_STYLES BOOL TRUE, if the user has chosen nondefault child frame styles.
CHILD_FRAME_STYLE_FLAGS text If nondefault child frame styles are selected by the AppWizard user, the value of this macro is the text that represents the selected child frame styles, and is added to the style data member of the CREATESTRUCT passed to PreCreateWindow.
SPLITTER_MDI BOOL TRUE, if the AppWizard user has chosen splitter windows in an MDI application.
SPLITTER_SDI BOOL TRUE, if the AppWizard user has chosen splitter windows in an SDI application.

See Also   Standard AppWizard Macros, The Dictionary, CCustomAppwiz::ProcessTemplate, CCustomAppwiz::PostProcessTemplate, How Macros Get Their Values