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Project Workspace Views

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Tabs at the bottom of the Project Workspace window provide different ways to view your project. A folder containing the various elements of your project workspace appears for each project view. Expanding the folder displays the details of the project workspace for that view.

The Project Workspace window contains the following views.

View Description
FileView Displays the files associated with projects that you have created. These can include buildable as well as non-buildable files.
ClassView Displays the C++ classes defined in your projects. Expanding the folders shows the classes; expanding a class shows its members.
ResourceView Displays the resource files included in your projects. Expanding the folders shows the resource types.
Data View Displays information about the ODBC data sources in database projects. Data View is available only in the Enterprise Edition of Visual C++, which includes the .

You can switch from one view to another by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the Project Workspace window.

Each view is hierarchical. You can expand the folders and other items to display their contents or collapse them to display their organization.