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Class Browsing Tasks

Browse windows display information about the symbols (classes, functions, data, macros, and types) in your program. If you have browse information turned on when you build a project, the compiler creates .SBR files with information about each program file in your project. The BSCMAKE utility (BSCMAKE.EXE) assembles these .SBR files into a single browse file. This browse file has the project's base name and the extension .BSC.

Note   To create a browse file, open the Settings dialog box from the Project menu. In the Browse Info tab, select the Build browse info file option. Then go to the C/C++ tab; in the General category, select Generate browse info. Then rebuild your application. For more information about BSCMAKE, see Build the Browse Information File (.BSC).

You view browse information in browse windows, which have different appearances and different controls depending on the type of information displayed.

Using browse commands, you can examine:

Tip   If you do not require browse information, you can speed up the build process by turning browse information off. When the browse option is off, .SBR files are not generated and the .BSC file is not updated.

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