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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

$$INCLUDE( template-name-macro );



A macro name with a value that must be the name of a custom resource template. A macro name can be one of the standard MFC AppWizard macros or one that you create by adding it to the dictionary.


The parser searches for an $$INCLUDE directive’s template-name-macro in the dictionary. If template-name-macro is in the dictionary, the associated custom resource template is loaded and parsed. Once the associated template is parsed, parsing of the original template resumes.

Note The template associated with template-name-macro must be a text template and must be parsed using ProcessTemplate. The base-class version of ProcessTemplate will not parse binary templates.

If template-name-macro is not in the dictionary, MFCAPWZ.DLL displays an error message and stops the file generation process. If the template associated with filename-macro is not found, again a message is displayed and an exception is thrown.

You can nest $$INCLUDE directives arbitrarily deep. That is, if one template includes a second template via $$INCLUDE, that second template may include a third via $$INCLUDE, and so on. However, templates cannot be recursively included. That is, if template A includes template B, which includes template C, and so on, then template A cannot be included in the include chain. MFCAPWZ.DLL detects recursive includes, prints an error message, and stops the file generation process.

See Also   Standard AppWizard Directives, The Dictionary, CCustomAppWiz::ProcessTemplate, Standard AppWizard Directives, Standard AppWizard Macros