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FxCopCmd tool errors

FxCopCmd does not consider all errors to be fatal. If FxCopCmd has sufficient information to perform a partial analysis, it performs the analysis and reports errors that occurred. The error code, which is a 32-bit integer, contains a bitwise combination of numeric values that correspond to errors.

The following table describes the error codes returned by FxCopCmd:

Error Numeric value
No errors 0x0
Analysis error 0x1
Rule exceptions 0x2
Project load error 0x4
Assembly load error 0x8
Rule library load error 0x10
Import report load error 0x20
Output error 0x40
Command line switch error 0x80
Initialization error 0x100
Assembly references error 0x200
BuildBreakingMessage 0x400
Unknown error 0x1000000

Analysis error is returned for fatal errors. It indicates that the analysis could not be completed. When applicable, the error code also contains the underlying cause of the fatal error. The following conditions generate fatal errors:

  • The analysis could not be performed because of insufficient input.

  • The analysis threw an exception that is not handled by FxCopCmd.

  • The specified project file could not be found or is corrupted.

  • The output option was not specified or the file could not be written.


The FxCopCmd return code Assembly references error 0x200 by itself is a warning rather than an error. This return code indicates that there are missing indirect references, but that FxCopCmd was able to handle them. The warning means there's a possibility that some analysis results might have been compromised. Treat Assembly references error as an error when it is combined with any other return code.

See also