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unique_lock::unique_lock Constructor

Constructs a unique_lock object.

unique_lock() noexcept;
unique_lock(unique_lock&& Other) noexcept;
explicit unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx);
unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx, adopt_lock_t Adopt);
unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx, defer_lock_t Defer) noexcept;
unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx, try_to_lock_t Try);
template<class Rep, class Period>
   unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx,
      const chrono::duration<Rep, Period> Rel_time);
template<class Clock, class Duration>
   unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx,
      const chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> Abs_time);
unique_lock(mutex_type& Mtx,
   const xtime *Abs_time) noexcept;


  • Mtx
    A mutex type object.

  • Rel_time
    A chrono::duration object that specifies the maximum amount of time that the method attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex.

  • Abs_time
    A point in time that specifies the threshold after which the method no longer attempts to obtain ownership of the mutex.

  • Other
    A unique_lock object.


The first constructor constructs an object that has an associated mutex pointer value of 0.

The second constructor moves the associated mutex status from Other. After the move, Other is no longer associated with a mutex.

The remaining constructors store &Mtx as the stored mutex pointer. Ownership of the mutex is determined by the second argument, if it exists.

No argument

Ownership is obtained by calling the lock method on the associated mutex object.


Ownership is assumed. Mtx must be locked when the constructor is called.


The calling thread is assumed not to own the mutex object. Mtx must not be locked when the constructor is called.


Ownership is determined by calling try_lock on the associated mutex object. The constructor throws nothing.


Ownership is determined by calling try_lock_for(Rel_time).


Ownership is determined by calling try_lock_until(Abs_time).


Header: mutex

Namespace: std

See Also


unique_lock Class
