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Radial Scale Properties Dialog Box, General

Use the Scale Properties dialog box to define minimum, maximum and interval options for the scale.


  • Reverse scale direction
    Reverses the values on the scale so that they read from right to left. By default, the scale values are displayed from left to right.

  • Minimum
    Select the minimum numeric value of the scale.

  • Maximum
    Select the maximum numeric value of the scale.

  • Interval
    Type an expression or a value for the interval at which labels appear. If omitted, the labels are divided evenly on the gauge scale based on the dataset.

  • Interval offset
    Type an expression or a value that corresponds to the interval offset.

  • Multiply scale labels by
    Type an expression or a value that represents a multiplier value by which all values on the scale will be multiplied.

  • Logarithmic scale
    Select this option to specify a logarithmic scale.

  • Log base
    Type an expression or a value that represents the logarithmic base. Only applicable when a logarithmic scale is specified.

See Also

Other Resources

Report Designer User Interface Reference (Visual Studio)