.gif) |
CommitObjectFailedToParseException |
Thrown when a commit object fails to parse |
.gif) |
DateTimeObjectComparer |
.gif) |
Extensions |
.gif) |
GitCommitArtifactId |
.gif) |
GitCommitDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when a commit is queried that does not exist. |
.gif) |
GitFeatureNotEnabledException |
Thrown when attempting to access the Git server and it is not enabled. |
.gif) |
GitForcePushDeniedException |
Thrown when someone tries to force push but lacks permissions |
.gif) |
GitHttpHandler |
.gif) |
GitIndexDuplicateObjectIdException |
Thrown when someone tries to put the same object into a pack file index twice |
.gif) |
GitIntegration |
.gif) |
GitItemNotFoundException |
Thrown when the requested Git item does not exist at the requested version |
.gif) |
GitItemVersionException |
Exceptions related to retrieving a Git Version or a Git Item at a specified Version Item fetching methods may ignore these and return null in some circumstances |
.gif) |
GitMissingReferencedObjectException |
Thrown when the an objects is referenced but does not exist in the pack and/or store |
.gif) |
GitNeedsPermissionException |
Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting |
.gif) |
GitNeedsTeamProjectCreatePermissionException |
Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting |
.gif) |
GitNeedsTeamProjectDeletePermissionException |
Thrown when someone lacks permissions to do what they're attempting |
.gif) |
GitNoParentVersionException |
Thrown when the requested Git version can be resolved but the parent cannot be found |
.gif) |
GitNoPreviousChangeException |
Thrown when a requested prior revision of an item cannot be found |
.gif) |
GitNotEnabledForTeamProjectException |
Thrown when someone tries to create a git repository for a team project that already has TFS VC enabled. |
.gif) |
GitObjectDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the requested Git object does not exist |
.gif) |
GitObjectsCannotBeAccessedDirectlyException |
Thrown when attempting to read or write git objects via the FileContainerService REST APIs |
.gif) |
GitObjectTooLargeException |
Thrown when the Git object is too large to be materialized in memory. |
.gif) |
GitPackDoesNotExistException |
Thrown when the requested Git pack does not exist |
.gif) |
GitPackMissingBaseFileException |
Thrown when an entry in a git pack file is a delta against a base file, but no base file could be located |
.gif) |
GitParserException |
Thrown when the parsing fails, base class |
.gif) |
GitProtocolException |
Thrown when a we think the protocol doesn't match what we expect |
.gif) |
GitReferenceStaleException |
Thrown when a reference could not be updated because the old object ID was not the current object ID at the time the update transaction ran in the database |
.gif) |
GitRefNotFoundException |
Thrown when the requested Git ref does not exist in the repository. |
.gif) |
GitRepositoryMinimumPerProjectThresholdExceededException |
Thrown when attempting to delete a Git repository and there are no other repositories in the Team Project |
.gif) |
GitRepositoryNameAlreadyExistsException |
Thrown when attempting to create a new Git repository, but the name is already taken. |
.gif) |
GitRepositoryNotFoundException |
Thrown when the requested Git repository does not exist, or the caller does not have permission to see its existence. |
.gif) |
GitRepositoryPerProjectThresholdExceededException |
Thrown when attempting to create a new Git repository, but the name is already taken. |
.gif) |
GitStorageContainerNotFoundException |
Thrown when the Git storage subsystem's container does not exist. |
.gif) |
GitUnresolvableToCommitException |
Thrown when the Git object was assumed by calling code to either be a commit, or a tag that eventually points to a commit, and it was not. |
.gif) |
GitUtils |
.gif) |
InflaterExceededLengthException |
Thrown when the ZlibInflateStream enumerates more bytes than the declared length passed in |
.gif) |
InfoRefsHandler |
.gif) |
InvalidGitDeltaDataException |
Thrown when invalid data is encountered in a delta stream |
.gif) |
InvalidGitIndexException |
Thrown when the index file being read contains invalid data |
.gif) |
InvalidGitObjectTypeException |
Thrown when a Git object is required to be a certain type, but was not |
.gif) |
InvalidGitPackEntryHeaderException |
Thrown when an entry in a git pack file has an invalid header |
.gif) |
InvalidGitPackHeaderException |
Thrown when a git pack file is presented with an invalid header |
.gif) |
InvalidGitRefNameException |
Thrown when the provided Git ref name is not valid. |
.gif) |
InvalidGitRepositoryNameException |
Thrown when the provided Git ref name is not valid. |
.gif) |
ObjectIdComparer |
.gif) |
ObjectIdEqualityComparer |
.gif) |
PushNotification |
.gif) |
ReceivePackHandler |
.gif) |
RefUpdateNotification |
.gif) |
TagObjectFailedToParseException |
Thrown when a commit object fails to parse |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationGitCommitService |
This collection-level service is the entry point for all Git functionality with cached commit metadata. |
.gif) |
TeamFoundationGitRepositoryService |
This collection-level service is the entry point for all Git functionality integrated with Team Foundation Server. |
.gif) |
TfsGitBlob |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommit |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitChange |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitChangeCount |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitHistoryEntry |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitLineageDiff |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitMetadata |
.gif) |
TfsGitCommitUser |
.gif) |
TfsGitDiffEntry |
.gif) |
TfsGitDiffHelper |
.gif) |
TfsGitObject |
Base class for objects in a Git repository. |
.gif) |
TfsGitObjectEqualityComparer |
.gif) |
TfsGitPushMetadata |
.gif) |
TfsGitRef |
.gif) |
TfsGitRefUpdateRequest |
Represents a request to update a ref in a repository. |
.gif) |
TfsGitRefUpdateResult |
Represents the result of a request to update a ref in a repository. |
.gif) |
TfsGitRepository |
This is one of the two core classes to the TFS Git server object model. It represents a repository on a Team Project Collection. You can't new a TfsGitRepository yourself -- create, delete, fork, and acquisition of an existing TfsGitRepository are all done through the TeamFoundationGitRepositoryService's methods. Consumers of this class should not cache TfsGitRepository instances across logical requests. |
.gif) |
TfsGitRepositoryInfo |
A simple data structure that has a Git repository ID, name and teamProjectUri. |
.gif) |
TfsGitRepositoryRefsCollection |
Represents the set of refs for a given TFS Git repository. |
.gif) |
TfsGitTag |
.gif) |
TfsGitTree |
.gif) |
TfsGitTreeDepthFirstEnumerator |
.gif) |
TfsGitTreeEntry |
.gif) |
TfsGitTreeEntryComparer |
.gif) |
TreeObjectFailedToParseException |
Thrown when the a tree object fails to parse |
.gif) |
UnprocessedCommit |
A data structure used by the TeamFoundationGitCommitService. |
.gif) |
UploadPackHandler |