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ITestSuiteBase Interface

Generic notion of a Test Suite, Test suites may be based on Queries IDynamicTestSuite or on an explicit list of ids of TestCases or other TestSuites IStaticTestSuite

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Public Interface ITestSuiteBase _
    Inherits ITestObject(Of Integer), IIdentifiable(Of Integer),  _
    IPropertyOwner, IDataErrorInfo, INotifyPropertyChanged
public interface ITestSuiteBase : ITestObject<int>, 
    IIdentifiable<int>, IPropertyOwner, IDataErrorInfo, INotifyPropertyChanged
public interface class ITestSuiteBase : ITestObject<int>, 
    IIdentifiable<int>, IPropertyOwner, IDataErrorInfo, INotifyPropertyChanged
type ITestSuiteBase =  
        interface ITestObject<int>
        interface IIdentifiable<int>
        interface IPropertyOwner 
        interface IDataErrorInfo 
        interface INotifyPropertyChanged 
public interface ITestSuiteBase extends ITestObject<int>, IIdentifiable<int>, IPropertyOwner, IDataErrorInfo, INotifyPropertyChanged

The ITestSuiteBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllTestCases
Public property DefaultConfigurations
Public property Description
Public property Error Gets an error message indicating what is wrong with this object. (Inherited from IDataErrorInfo.)
Public property Id Gets the identifier. (Inherited from IIdentifiable<TKey>.)
Public property InvalidProperties Gets a list of property names that are invalid. (Inherited from IPropertyOwner.)
Public property IsDirty Gets a value that indicates whether any properties have changed since the last refresh, fetch, or save. (Inherited from IPropertyOwner.)
Public property IsRoot
Public property Item Gets the error message for the property with the given name. (Inherited from IDataErrorInfo.)
Public property LastUpdated
Public property LastUpdatedBy
Public property LastUpdatedByName
Public property Parent
Public property Plan
Public property Project Gets the test project. (Inherited from ITestObject<T>.)
Public property Revision Gets the current revision number for this object. (Inherited from ITestObject<T>.)
Public property State
Public property TestCaseCount Count of test case inside suite
Public property TestCases
Public property TestSuiteEntry
Public property TestSuiteType
Public property Title
Public property UserData Gets or sets an arbitrary object or value that is not persisted, but allows test management objects to be dynamically extended. (Inherited from ITestObject<T>.)



  Name Description
Public method AssignTestPoints
Public method ClearDefaultConfigurations
Public method CreateTestPointAssignment(Int32, IdAndName, TeamFoundationIdentity)
Public method CreateTestPointAssignment(Int32, IdAndName, Guid)
Public method Refresh()
Public method Refresh(Boolean)
Public method SetDefaultConfigurations
Public method SetEntryConfigurations



  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)



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See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace