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ILifeline Interface

A participant in an Interaction from which messages can be sent and received.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interactions
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interfaces (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interfaces.dll)


Public Interface ILifeline _
    Inherits INamedElement, IElement
public interface ILifeline : INamedElement, 
public interface class ILifeline : INamedElement, 
type ILifeline =  
        interface INamedElement 
        interface IElement 
public interface ILifeline extends INamedElement, IElement

The ILifeline type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ApplicableStereotypes The set of stereotypes that could be applied to this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property AppliedStereotypes Each IStereotypeInstance denotes that a stereotype has been applied to this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property ClientDependencies Gets the Dependency relationships for which this element is the Client. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property CoveredBy Gets the Combined Fragments, Interaction Operands, Interaction Uses and Execution Specifications in which this lifeline takes part.
Public property Description The description of this element. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property Interaction Gets the Interaction in which this Lifeline is defined.
Public property Name The name of this element within the Namespace that contains it. In this Namespace, there should be no other element that has this Name. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Namespace Gets the Namespace in which this element is defined. May be null. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property OccurrenceSpecifications Gets all the Occurrence Specifications attached to this lifeline, including nested items.
Public property OwnedComments Gets Comments contained in this element (not comments linked to it). (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property OwnedElements Gets Elements owned by this element. Every element has one owner, except the root IModel. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property Owner Gets the Element that owns this element. Every element except the root IModel has one owner. (Inherited from IElement.)
Public property QualifiedName Gets the name of this element, prefixed with the Qualified Name of the Namespace that contains it. Empty if the Name is empty or if the Qualified Name of the Namespace is empty. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property Represents If defined, the Interaction describes interactions within the structure of a classifier, and this lifeline represents a specific Part or ConnectableElement.
Public property TopLevelOccurrences Gets the Occurrence Specifications that are attached to this lifeline, excluding those nested inside other lifelines.
Public property Visibility Defines where the element can be referenced. Public = visible anywhere; private = visible only in the owning Namespace; protected = visible to elements that have a generalization relationship to the owning Namespace; package = visible only in the Package owning the Namespace, if there is one. Default = public. (Inherited from INamedElement.)
Public property VisibleAppliedStereotypes (Inherited from IElement.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method AddReference Links a string to an element, usually where the string is a reference such as a URI, modelbus reference, or work item ID. Use the name to indicate the type of reference. Returns an IReference object that represents the link. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method ApplyStereotype Applies the stereotype to element. Creates an IStereotypeInstance that represents the extension of the model element by the stereotype. (Defined by ProfileStereotypeExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Delete Deletes this element and any relationships, owned elements, and shapes. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method DeleteAllReference Remove all the references of a given tag. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPoint(IExecutionSpecification) Overloaded. Returns an insertion point at the beginning (top) of an Execution Specification. Use this to add the first message to or from the Execution Specification. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPoint(IInteractionOperand) Overloaded. Returns an insertion point at the beginning (top) of an Interaction Operand. Use this to add the first message inside the Interaction Operand. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAfterCombinedFragment Returns an insertion point immediately after the given Combined Fragment (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAfterExecutionSpecification Returns an insertion point on this lifeline immediately after the given Execution Specification. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAfterInteractionUse Returns an insertion point immediately after the given Interaction Use. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAfterMessage Returns an insertion point on this lifeline immediately after the given message. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAtBottom The insertion point at the bottom of the lifeline (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method FindInsertionPointAtTop The insertion point at the top of the lifeline. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetAllIncomingMessages All messages incoming to the lifeline or any Execution Specification on the lifeline (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetAllOutgoingMessages All messages outgoing from the lifeline or from any ExecutionSpecification on the lifeline (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetCombinedFragments The collection of Combined Fragments that contain messages starting or ending on this lifeline, or that contain Interaction Uses or nested fragments that cover this Lifeline. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetDependencyClients Return a collection of elements that are dependent on this. (Defined by NamedElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetDependencySuppliers Return a collection of elements on which this is dependent. (Defined by NamedElementExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetDisplayName Get the lifeline name or name and type, as displayed on the diagram. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetExecutionSpecifications The top level Execution Specification blocks on the lifeline (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetId Gets a GUID that identifies this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetInstanceType Get the type name. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetModelStore Gets the IModelStore that contains this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetOutgoingMessages The top level outgoing messages outgoing from the Lifeline, not from any Execution Specification. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetReferences Get the IReferences of a given tag that are associated with this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetRelatedElements<T> Gets elements related to this element by relationships of the specified type. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method GetRelatedLinks<T> Gets relationships of a specified type from or to this element. (Defined by UmlExtensions.)
Public Extension Method SetInstanceType Set the type name. (Defined by LifelineExtensions.)
Public Extension Method Shapes All the shapes that display the model element on any open diagram, or on a specified open diagram. (Defined by PresentationHelpers.)



For more information about using this type, see How to: Edit Sequence Diagrams by Using the UML API.


The methods defined on this type are extension methods. To use the methods, you must add a project reference to the .NET assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.dll, and you must include the directive using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Uml; in your code.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interactions Namespace