Constrói o mecanismo.
explicit subtract_with_carry_01(unsigned long x0);
template<class Gen>
subtract_with_carry_01(Gen& gen);
subtract_with_carry_01(const subtract_with_carry_01& right);
subtract_with_carry_01(subtract_with_carry_01& right);
O valor semente.Gen
O tipo do gerador semente.gen
O gerador semente.right
Um objeto de subtract_with_carry_01 .
O primeiro construtor constrói um objeto subtract_with_carry_01 e inicializá-la chamando seed().
O segundo construtor constrói um objeto subtract_with_carry_01 e inicializá-la chamando seed(x0).
O terceiro construtor constrói um objeto subtract_with_carry_01 e inicializá-la chamando seed(first, last).
Os construtores e quarta quintos constroem um objeto subtract_with_carry_01 copiando um objeto subtract_with_carry_01.
// std_tr1__random__subtract_with_carry_01_construct.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <random>
#include <iostream>
typedef std::mt19937 Myeng;
typedef std::subtract_with_carry_01<float, 24, 10, 24> Myceng;
int main()
Myeng eng;
Myceng ceng;
Myceng::result_type compval = ceng();
compval = compval; // to quiet "unused" warnings
std::cout << "W == " << Myceng::word_size << std::endl;
std::cout << "S == " << Myceng::short_lag << std::endl;
std::cout << "R == " << Myceng::long_lag << std::endl;
std::cout << "min == " << ceng.min() << std::endl;
std::cout << "max == " << ceng.max() << std::endl;
ceng.seed(); // reseed base engine
std::cout << "a random value == " << ceng() << std::endl;
std::cout << "a random value == " << ceng() << std::endl;
std::cout << "a random value == " << ceng() << std::endl;
Myceng ceng2(eng); // construct with generator
ceng2.seed(eng); // seed with generator
Myceng ceng3(5UL); // construct with unsigned long seed
ceng3.seed(5UL); // seed with unsigned long
return (0);
Cabeçalho: <random>
namespace: STD