Removes an element or a range of elements in a multimap from specified positions or removes elements that match a specified key.
iterator erase(
iterator _Where
iterator erase(
iterator _First,
iterator _Last
size_type erase(
const key_type& _Key
Position of the element to be removed from the multimap._First
Position of the first element removed from the multimap._Last
Position just beyond the last element removed from the multimap._Key
The key of the elements to be removed from the multimap.
Return Value
For the first two member functions, a bidirectional iterator that designates the first element remaining beyond any elements removed, or a pointer to the end of the multimap if no such element exists.
This return type does not conform to the C++ standard.
For the third member function, returns the number of elements that have been removed from the multimap.
In some instances, this method might throw an out_of_range exception.
When compiling this example with the /Wp64 flag or on a 64-bit platform, compiler warning C4267 will be generated. For more information on this warning, see Compiler Warning (level 3) C4267.
// multimap_erase.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace std;
multimap<int, int> m1, m2, m3;
multimap<int, int> :: iterator pIter, Iter1, Iter2;
int i;
multimap<int, int>::size_type n;
typedef pair<int, int> Int_Pair;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++)
m1.insert(Int_Pair (i, i) );
m2.insert(Int_Pair (i, i*i) );
m3.insert(Int_Pair (i, i-1) );
// The 1st member function removes an element at a given position
Iter1 = ++m1.begin();
cout << "After the 2nd element is deleted, "
<< "the multimap ms1 is:";
for (pIter = m1.begin(); pIter != m1.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << pIter -> second;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 2nd member function removes elements
// in the range [_First, _Last)
Iter1 = ++m2.begin();
Iter2 = --m2.end();
m2.erase(Iter1, Iter2);
cout << "After the middle two elements are deleted, "
<< "the multimap m2 is:";
for (pIter = m2.begin(); pIter != m2.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << pIter -> second;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 3rd member function removes elements with a given _Key
m3.insert(Int_Pair (2, 5));
n = m3.erase(2);
cout << "After the element with a key of 2 is deleted,\n"
<< "the multimap m3 is:";
for (pIter = m3.begin(); pIter != m3.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << pIter -> second;
cout << "." << endl;
// The 3rd member function returns the number of elements removed
cout << "The number of elements removed from m3 is: "
<< n << "." << endl;
// The dereferenced iterator can also be used to specify a key
Iter1 = ++m3.begin();
cout << "After another element with a key equal to that"
<< endl;
cout << "of the 2nd element is deleted, "
<< "the multimap m3 is:";
for (pIter = m3.begin(); pIter != m3.end(); pIter++)
cout << " " << pIter -> second;
cout << "." << endl;
After the 2nd element is deleted, the multimap ms1 is: 1 3 4. After the middle two elements are deleted, the multimap m2 is: 1 16. After the element with a key of 2 is deleted, the multimap m3 is: 0 2 3. The number of elements removed from m3 is: 2. After another element with a key equal to that of the 2nd element is deleted, the multimap m3 is: 0 3.
Header: <map>
Namespace: std