Compartilhar via

Operador * (Visual Basic)

Multiplies two numbers.

number1 * number2





Required. Any numeric expression.


Required. Any numeric expression.


The result is the product of number1 and number2.

Supported Types

All numeric types, including the unsigned and floating-point types and Decimal.


The data type of the result depends on the types of the operands. The following table shows how the data type of the result is determined.

Operand data types

Result data type

Both expressions are integral data types (SByte, Byte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong)

Um numérico tipo de dados apropriado para os tipos de dados de number1 e number2. See the "Integer Arithmetic" tables in Tipos de dados de resultados de operador (Visual Basic).

Both expressions are Decimal


Both expressions are Single


Qualquer expressão for uma flutuante-ponto tipo de dados (Single ou Double) mas não ambos Single (nota Decimal não é um flutuante-ponto tipo de dados)


If an expression evaluates to Nothing, it is treated as zero.


The * operator can be overloaded, which means that a class or structure can redefine its behavior when an operand has the type of that class or structure. If your code uses this operator on such a class or structure, be sure you understand its redefined behavior. For more information, see Procedimentos de operador (Visual Basic).


This example uses the * operator to multiply two numbers. The result is the product of the two operands.

Dim testValue As Double
testValue = 2 * 2
' The preceding statement sets testValue to 4.
testValue = 459.35 * 334.9
' The preceding statement sets testValue to 153836.315.

Consulte também


Operador *= (Visual Basic)

Operadores Aritméticos (Visual Basic)

Precedência de operadores no Visual Basic

Operadores listados por Funcionalidade (Visual Basic)


Operadores aritméticos em Visual Basic