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Add a Link to a SharePoint Site to Remote Web Workplace

If you already have a SharePoint site, you can configure Remote Web Workplace so that a link to the site appears on the Remote Web Workplace page. Use the following procedures to modify the configuration files for Remote Web Workplace to enable the link to your SharePoint site URL and to enable single sign-on to your SharePoint site from your Remote Web Workplace page.


Before you modify a configuration file for Remote Web Workplace, you should create a back-up copy in case you need to restore the previous version.


Before your users can access an existing SharePoint site through Remote Web Workplace, you must configure a Web publishing rule for the SharePoint site in Forefront TMG. Use the remote name that you use for Remote Web Workplace (for example, to publish the site. Specify the path by using the name for the SharePoint site (for example, /internalweb). For more information about configuring Windows SharePoint Services publishing in Forefront TMG, see the Microsoft Web site (


If you install Windows SharePoint Services with the Windows SharePoint Services add-in for the Windows EBS Administration Console, a link to your new SharePoint site is automatically created in Remote Web Workplace. No additional configuration is necessary to enable the link. To download the installation package for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and the add-in for Windows EBS, see the Microsoft Web site (

To display a link to a SharePoint site on your Remote Web Workplace page

  1. Log on to the Messaging Server by using an account that is a member of the Administrators group.

  2. Browse to the %ProgramFiles%\Windows Essential Business Server\Data folder.

  3. In Notepad, open the RWWConfig.xml file.

  4. Edit the <showSharepointLink> node so that it appears as follows: <showSharepointLink>true</showSharepointLink>.


    This change to the <showSharepointLink> node creates a button on the Remote Web Workplace home page. Configure the link for this button by following the procedure, To specify the link to the SharePoint site, later in this document.

  5. Edit the <enableSharepointSSO> node so that it appears as follows: <enableSharepointSSO>true</enableSharepointSSO>.


    This change to the <enableSharepointSSO> node enables users to log on to your SharePoint site automatically by using their Remote Web Workplace credentials. Complete the configuration for SharePoint by following the procedure, To configure single sign-on for the SharePoint site, later in this document.

  6. Save the RWWconfig.xml file.

To specify the link to the SharePoint site

  1. Log on to the Messaging Server by using an account that is a member of the Administrators group.

  2. Browse to the Program Files\Windows Essential Business Server\bin\WebApp\Remote\App_Data folder.

  3. In Notepad, open the EssentialBusinessServerRWWConfig.xml file.

  4. Add a <SharepointLink> node that contains the URL for your SharePoint site, for example:


  5. Save the EssentialBusinessServerRWWconfig.xml file.

To configure single sign-on for the SharePoint site

  1. Log on to the Messaging Server by using an account that is a member of the Administrators group.

  2. Browse to the Program Files\Windows Essential Business Server\bin\WebApp\Remote\ folder.

  3. In Notepad, open the Web.config file.

  4. In the <ssoApplications> node, add an <ssoApplication> element for the SharePoint site at your remote URL, for example:

    <ssoApplication application=”Sharepoint” serverName=”” />.

  5. In the <ssoFactories> node, add the following <ssoFactory> element:

    <ssoFactory application="Sharepoint" factoryType="Microsoft.WindowsServerSolutions.IWorker.RWW.SSO.TMGSharepointSingleSignOnFactory, RemoteSSO, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />.

  6. Save the Web.config file.