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Save or restore the state of a virtual machine

To save or restore the state of a virtual machine

  1. Open the Administration Website.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Master Status.
  3. Under Virtual Machine Name, point to the name of the appropriate virtual machine, and then click either Save State or Restore From Saved State.


When Undo Disks is enabled on the virtual machine, you must choose an option for saving the state of the virtual machine based on whether you want to keep or discard the changes. For more information, see "Using Undo Disks" in Related Topics. The virtual machine configuration (.vmc) files are typically compatible between Virtual Server and Virtual PC. However, if a virtual machine is in a saved state, do not move the .vmc file between Virtual Server and Virtual PC. The saved-state (.vsv) files are incompatible between the two products. For more information about the compatibility of virtual machines between Virtual Server and Virtual PC, see "Best Practices" in Related Topics.


To perform this procedure, you must have the appropriate permissions. If you do not have the appropriate permissions, you will either receive an error message or you will not be able to view certain menu items and options described in this procedure. To change your permissions, contact your Virtual Server administrator. For more information, see Securing Virtual Server. For instructions on opening the Administration Website, see "Open the Administration Website" in Related Topics. If you move or copy a machine placed into a saved state, you also must move or copy the saved-state (.vsv) file. However, we recommend shutting down a virtual machine instead of moving the saved-state file. For more information, see "Copying, managing, and renaming virtual machines" in Related Topics.

See Also


Best practices for Virtual Server
Open the Administration Website
Using Undo Disks
Copying, managing, and renaming virtual machines